the dude

And Chipotle stock shorter!

Totally heinous, brah.

Bullshit. We all know it is sprayed with BRAWNDO, 'cause it has electrolytes. **waves arm**

I would have guess Prince from his 'cape' period.


50-50 chance she would always be nude though, which is nice.


Makes it even more cash.

Team Squat Thrust.

Yeah, Pee Wee is the ultimate bike HUNTER. He won't let the fact that the Alamo doesn't have a basement get in his way.

I am sorry to ask this question but what the fuck is a boxer doing with a time trial bike?

You- must not know many women.

Yeah, this is bouncer 101- do not let in bloodied drunken sots.

Man, my speed training got seriously good in school when the Chicago kids arrived on campus. If they did not have a girl on their arm before the end of the night they had their fight victim picked out and we were usually running from the cops afterwards. It got old quick.


I fell into a burnin’ ring of fire
I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher,
And it burns, burns, burns,
The ring of fire, the ring of fire

Hehe, you liked the 'dialogue' comment too I see.

A preview of their hipster operator line.


#1. Turn that limp wrist into a gauntlet of POWER!!