Worked in Better Off Dead.
Worked in Better Off Dead.
Yeah, not the greatest argument but the point is the majority of students in your English class will not be award winning writers. If they can communicate in an efficient prose and get the message across who gives a shit about flowery words?
Pretty much all of them. He thinks every pitcher is Fernando Valenzuela
Man, you gotta anticipate that shit from kids and protect the jewels. They know they are there and what happens when you get kicked there.
Lesson learned- In a conspiracy there will ALWAYS be a Wiems.
God, those days when partial nudity ruled before the internet came and wrecked that wall down were magical times.
That could send the average, unprepared Morman to the hospital for a couple of days.
Mad props for the salty teacher.
I would argue that the future perfect is killing our language but that is just semantics.
Jesus. Not everyone will grow up to be fucking Hemmingway.
Mother hated that word...
Dang, even Lincoln a rapist these days.
Vote early, vote often?
A-holes like this never go down with the ship unless that ship capsizes on his escape pod.
Dude has mad White Jedi skillz.
I'll take (3) HB1s, please
I'll take two HB1s, please.
Yeah, this isn't non-consenting sex, BEN