the dude


Hey chair, what do YOU think about Lincoln Chaffee?

Only if armageddon applies.

How about Wee Uncommonly Strong Running Back Person?

Ha, we had a guy on our rugby team that had a nickname of PP. He got so drunk one night at university he got up and started pissing all over his books and clothes. Hence, PP.

Porterhouse never complained at all.

Yeah, you can't give yourself a nickname. That's just not allowed. It must be bestowed on you like an STD.

That being said, I have heard some of her songs on her latest album and could be overheard saying "This does not suck". That's saying a lot.

True story- I used my nephew and dragged my mother to see SpongeBob Squarepants: The Movie and did not feel bad one bit. It was wonderful. Also, best roles by Baldwin and Hasselhoff in their careers were had.

You should have had a pail of candy in your hand that had "Free candy for tricks" written on it for full-on skeevy effect.

No, Aztek is the Heisenberg auto of choice aficionados.

walter white car, Walter White Car, WALTER WHITE CAR...

Life was tits. That is all.

Yeah, piss off you insurance company shill.

Moat with drawbridge and boiling tar pot.

One that looks nice.

You can't handle the TRUTH, Prosser! You called the code red to taunt that poor, vicious doggie, didn't you!

I don't either!

Doesn't hurt to have millionaire asshole parents and start out in the lame genre that is 'new country music' but what do I know.

New Pornographers. Vampire is too mainstream for the mustache waxers.