Motion passed … zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Motion passed … zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Saw Civil War, celebrated my nephew's 5th birthday, went to a fancy tea party, did a lot of yard work. So all in all, fun but full weekend that I now feel exhausted from, as per usual. Let's make Monday official nap days from now on, mmmkay?
Give it three days or so…
Ted Cruz
Since he's decided he's the second coming of Regan (heh), no, this only confirms his own twisted narrative. "Regan lost his first presidential nomination bid! Therefore I will be a two-term President in 2020!" Unfortunately he's forgotten some key pieces of the Regan formula, such as a sliver of competence in…
What the fuck? That is some psycho shit right there.
Fuck PMS, traffic, Donald Trump and stupid people in general. I'm cranky today.
Look out! An emotion snuck in!
Saving for later, when I'm at home and not in my stupid open cube office where people will stop and ask why I'm crying at work. This is why we still need offices, people! To cry at work in peace!
Oh man, that's so sad… what were you doing at an Arby's?
Kyle Chandler lives in a small town outside Austin. Some friends and I happened to be day drinking in a bar there when he walked in. One of the girls absolutely lost her shit and obsessed over asking for a picture. I said, no, this is clearly his personal hangout (he was in painting clothes and had brought the bar…
Didn't he serve under Colonel Angus in the War of Northern Aggression?
Worked in my yard, re-organized my garage, dropped a compound miter saw on myself. I'm tired, sore and don't want to be at work. Happy Monday, everyone!
Ugh I hate those. I used to get roped into all the "parties" because I didn't want to be rude and decline. Now I just tell people, Thanks for the invite, I don't purchase from X company, but let's hang out another time! Luckily most of my friends get it that their shit is overpriced and useless. One gal who was…
Geez, if your doctor would get off your ass, that's like, 180 lbs gone right there.
That's gonna be a uh… fascinating parturition.
I thought True Detective was dead? I saw an HBO promo the other day and all their former series included "Entire Series" with the title, whereas current ones didn't say anything or said "All Episodes". TD said "Entire Series".
I watched Season 1 on Hulu. I'm tempted to buy Season 2 on Amazon Prime, but my cheapness keeps winning out.
I just got the 2nd book in the Gentleman Bastard series, and I'm really looking forward to starting it.
Fuck all this rain in Texas (which is not something we usually say). Apart from the terrible flooding (thankfully not in Austin all that much), the changes in barometric pressure are giving me awful and random headaches.