The Duchess Approves

I signed up for something called Healthy Wager. You bet $x per month that you'll lose x lbs in x amount of time. The higher the bet and higher the weight to lose, the bigger the payout. I'm reasonably sure after some internetting that it's not a scam. I'm thinking it'll be good motivation to get me moving again, and

Hopefully you opted for organic.

I made Mongolian Beef in my slow cooker and, despite my reservations, followed the recipe and used regular soy sauce. Overall, it is tasty, but damn, it is salty as hell. And I ate bouillon granules as a kid - I have a high salt tolerance. Next time, I'll use low sodium soy sauce, but for now, I'm trying to make this

Oh and my birthday's tomorrow. I don't know if that belongs in Good News or Fuck This Shit. But there it is.

I read your first point as "I hit two pedestrians today…" - clearly my subconscious is having a dark day. Also "mark of distinction" such a fucking classy rating.

Way to go!!!!!!!!

As as native Austinite, I always look forward to avoiding everything to do with SXSW.

Well, I hope this week is better than last. Baby steps! (I mean that sincerely, but I always have to stop myself from adding "(baby steps) get on the bus". What About Bob? is really the pinnacle of therapy in cinema.)

The internal criticism is such a hard habit to break, too. At least you're recognizing some of it and catching - that's a huge part. I'm still struggling with dropping the judgement part, too. The "that was a dumb thing to think" part. I read a book about approaching those thoughts with curiosity instead of criticism

::Internet hugs:: Feel however you want to feel without adding the extra weight of beating yourself up. I've been there. On paper, life's pretty good, but emotions don't work like a ledger. No fucks are given internally if, outwardly, your life seems as good or better than others. Denying that it's ok to feel like

And Jerrica was a typo by someone who mixed up their R and S keys. ::mistypes birth certificate:: "Eh, close enough…"

You guys are way too jaded.

Congrats on the new job!

I loved everything about this episode, despite, or maybe because of, how close to home "You Stupid Bitch" hit. The cherry on top of that number was the chandelier made out of glass shards behind her. Such a simple, economical production design for the number (dark room, minimal lighting), putting the emphasis on her

I worry about how much of that show I can sing off the top of my head.

Yeah I read that as being where at least some of her desperation for Greg to stay was coming from - not wanting to be alone in case she was tempted to hurt herself.

And mystical hallucinogenic creature orgies! Don't forget those!

I've wondered if Noah was a low-risk "rebound" host, since there was such a low chance of anyone really succeeding after Jon Stewart. If he takes off, great. If not, he may just be a buffer until they find/name a better long-term replacement.

That escalated quickly.

I've been watching Prime Suspect on Acorn (the good Helen Mirren one, not the one starring a hat who occasionally wears Maria Bello) and she and her co-workers say "prime suspect" about 5 times per series. It's weirdly distracting for such an ordinary phrase.