The Duchess Approves

"Origin of Love" is my favorite to sing, but basically any song (except probably "Angry Inch") would work.

You may as well ask Flubba not to breathe!

I got my nephew a Spooner board - it's like a skateboard trainer thing and supposed to be good for balance and motor skills (he's 4 and asked for a skateboard for Christmas - compromise!)

Since Trump and Cruz have been covered, I offer Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Asshole qualifications: pretty much all of his lawsuits against the federal government, wasting taxpayer money to fight battles no one except for him and a few of his cronies want fought - against Obamacare, against settling Syrian refugees in

The White Queen miniseries got me interested in the Wars of the Roses, so I started Dan Jones' book on it. There's a lot of people - all named Richard, Edward and Elizabeth apparently - but it's really engrossing.

I just ordered most of my Christmas presents yesterday, including a Gravity Falls Dipper hat and barfing gnome for my niece. I love that she's finally gotten into that. She scoured Disney World for the hat, but they have almost no official merchandise. I found an unofficial one on Amazon.

Meh - suffered through an awkward office holiday party (I forgot how fun those things aren't when you're single and every one else brought their significant other), started sanding down some inlaid stone work - takes forever, but it's finally starting to look awesome, and put blue streaks in my niece's hair. She was

No wonder the AV Club dating site failed so quickly…

Oh yeah, I definitely will. I read older mysteries/crime (Agatha Christie, Rex Stout, Dashiell Hammet) and hers (at least the first one) has a lovely throwback quality without being a pastiche. The focus on characters and creating a complete world that the characters related to the case inhabit really appeals to me

How was Animal Kingdom? We've never done it before (we did Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom and Universal this trip) but were talking about how we'd like to try Animal Kingdom if/when we go back.

I'm not really sure. Perhaps an issue with whatever production company created it? Guards! Guards! was in a somewhat similar situation for a while, where it was only available on iTunes and not on Audible, but now it's available in both places. It's weird.

I'm pretty sure I elbowed you out of the way to It's a Small World.

Good luck Waff! And yes, everything should be fucked.

I love Midsomer Murders - it's slightly violent TV comfort food. Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries falls in that same category for me.

I just got back from vacation so I'm trying to cook as much as possible this week instead of eating out. I made mushroom stroganoff for lunches this week - super tasty but not quite enough protein to get me through the day.

I spent last week at Disney World too. The best thing I had was Eggs Florentine in puff pastry at the Be Our Guest restaurant. It was our one non-quick service meal at a park, but the food at our resort was pretty good, especially the crab cake burger.

I love audiobooks and have a good chunk of the Discworld novels in that format. Being a completionist, it really annoys me that the one Watch book I'm missing is Jingo. For some reason, it's the only Discworld book you can't get (legally) as a digital download right now.

I picked up Cuckoo's Calling on a whim - JK Rowling's mystery under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. It was pretty good! The resolution was a bit far-fetched, but the characters and story were interesting enough that I didn't mind that much.

I'm doing Thanksgiving at Disney World, so I expect my Thanksgiving dinner will be a turkey leg and a Dole Whip, or something similar and mass-produced.

Finally, a Memento for the Snapchat generation!