The Duchess Approves

Happy birthday! And I'm jealous - I love Grace Potter!

Did random projects around the house, like replacing lightbulbs that have been burned out for way too long. My kitchen is so bright now! Other than that, went to a massive BBQ - an annual tradition thrown by several of my friends and did some vacation prep. 5 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!

ABC is totally being the town from Footloose with this. Let's get Kevin Bacon to angry dance at them until they see the error of their bigoted ways.

Gone with the Wind - Steve McQueen

10 days of vacation starting in another 10 days! I keep trying to make it be this weekend, but no, it's next weekend. Yay!

Fuck mandatory work fun. You don't improve employee morale by requiring them to attend events that, because of the shortened work hours, force them to work at night to keep on top of their projects.

That reminds me - Dry Vanilla Soda. Less sugar but great flavor.

It's water, but I love La Croix Peach-Pear. I've never been big on soda, so it's the perfect level of flavor and carbonation for me. Way to go!

Just finished The Girl on the Train. I quite liked it, once I got a handle on the multiple POVs. I'm listening to The Golem and the Jinni audiobook right now. I'd heard it compared often to Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norell, which I didn't care for at the time, and this is making me think I should give JSaMN another

Lucky. I'm not sure how I got on the Dr. Ken rotation, but I would like to leave it now, please and thank you. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't seen one in the past week or so, so maybe even Hulu Plus has given up on that crapfest.

If David Tennant told me to, I definitely would. Even without his fictitious mind control powers. My sister would totally understand.

Gah I just realized this comes out the day before I leave for a family vacation. I can probably binge all of season 1 in one night, right? I don't need to sleep before driving cross country, right? RIGHT?

On ABC, yes.

I have seen that "ok, WebMD-bag" commercial so many times on Hulu, that I assume the entire show was constructed just to make that joke.

The whole writing model is to take old episodes of Unsolved Mysteries and work backwards to come up with the most horrific/nonsensical explanation possible, right? Personally, I have my fingers crossed for American Horror Story: The Mary Celeste next season.

I wonder if we included our Disqus names, if that would improve or eliminate our chances of winning. Probably the latter, right?

That sounds divine! Thanks!

Would you be kind enough to share your horseradish sauce recipe?

I hope the entire storyline is him discovering that Alice has always been a figment of his imagination. Luther Fight Club!

2016 can still be Marv's year! Marv 2016!