The Duchess Approves

There's definitely a lot of water-treading in Arrow S3, but I had really low expectations based on people's reactions to it last year. I think it also helps to binge watch - the killing time is less painful that way, at least for me.

Took my nieces to swim, since it was our last weekend of pool weather, caught up on The Flash and Arrow (up until the current seasons), slept an insane amount to recuperate from a frantic week last week.

The You-Better-Be-A-Good Wife, and Not Cross Your Husband in Any Way, Real or Imaginary, or Else You Will Be Eternally Screwed

Hey now, I write a blog post about once every two months, and about 7 people read it. Where's my millions of dollars?!!?

I don't get why "All Night Long" wasn't a bigger hit. It has Missy Elliot and Timbaland!

The true mystery of Ellis is how he managed to not be shot in the head before the events of Die Hard. "Hans… BUBBE…"

Gah that 'triumphant" moment when he can finally shoot again! It's a miracle! damn near ruins the whole movie.

You know how much we all love fornication.

The "Day in the life of the alien who gets his arm cut off in the Cantina" always makes me laugh. And the one-sided conversation the Emperor has with Darth Vader after the Death Start is blown up. "Wait you've been flying around for two weeks trying to get a signal? You must smell like feet wrapped in burnt, leathery

Put a random hole in the wall somewhere and patch it up. That combines of being able to destroy your own property and learning how to fix shit for yourself.

My coworker (who represents 33% of our team) is about to put in her notice. I can't decide if I'm excited, because she annoys the shit out of me and makes everything harder than it needs to be, or dreading her leaving because it'll mean double work for me and/or interviewing replacements.

Protip: The wrapper is blue (for some reason).

iZombie is about as hardcore as I intend to get with the horror this Halloween.

A lot, but not our taste in Tootsie Rolls.


Upvoted for the correct assertion that vanilla Tootsie Rolls are the best of all tootsie rolls.

My boss is trying to position my extra work as a great opportunity for me, but it's really because he doesn't want to do it. It's taken me a while, but I've realized he's a major deflector - he's really good at making himself sound busy while actually doing jack shit and there's no one to call him on it. But I'm

Seriously. I have both shit to fuck and good news this week! And I actually read a book so I can participate in ICP's thread! Damnit, AV Club!

Finland, Finland, Finland / The country where I quite want to be…

I thought I would buy tickets next year, but my intense hatred of Everybody Loves Raymond makes me want to avoid the whole thing altogether. Thanks for saving me some money, ATX!