The Duchess Approves

I just finished it, having somehow successfully avoided most of the hype/anti-hype one way or the other. It was a perfectly enjoyable sci-fi adventure - a bit heavy on the references, not great literature, but not a pile of excrement like 50 Shades of Grey. I have a hard time understanding anyone having strong

"thecausticgospel? Oh yeah, we go way back on the internet. Definitely promotion-material."

Ugh we had to read that at my company too. Now I'm wondering if we work for the same company….

And there was a guy carrying on the Roseburg campus, despite the ordinance against it, who didn't draw his weapon at all, assuming he'd be mistaken for the shooter by police.

Welcome to the neighborhood! If you can avoid the hipsters, the rest of the city is pretty damn nice.

To the DikCave!

Thanks. It's not like I didn't know that already, but I was already quite cantankerous thanks to work and PayPal, so it was just one more irritation, and little things like that always seem way worse when I'm already in a bad mood.

Ha yes, it was tailored specifically for me. Shut up, Renee Montagne! Actually it was about the success of freezing a woman's eggs if she has to undergo chemotherapy (which is wonderful) but then at the end, it was basically - but for other uses of the process, the success rate isn't good enough to justify using on

Oh and fuck NPR for reminding me on my commute this morning that I only have a few years left to have kids. Thanks ever so.

Fuck PayPal to the ends of the earth and back. I finally break down and sign up, and my first transaction, they completely screwed me over. And their website sucks incredibly, so I can't resolve anything there. They're making me actively grind my teeth.

As long as they include the hillbilly meth-head gang to stir up some trouble from time to time, this thing is a sure-fire hit!

Quite fine. Went antique/thrift store shopping (it's a fine line). Found a local market days to sell some headboards at, if I can make enough of them before November. Almost done with staining some floating shelves. Finally started watching season 8 of Doctor Who, which I'm not disliking as much as I expected (I got

Good luck!

Senile felines.

Oh god, that is awful. I'm so sorry. I have a fake uncle (and aunt, too) like that and I'm closer to them than any of my actual aunts or uncles.

I built some new shelves at my co-op workshop place - my first project there - and having professional grade tools and, you know, the right ones, was amazing. Sunday, my company sponsored a day at Fiesta Texas. It was kinda meh, and today I'm exhausted, but so is everyone else, so we're all have a slacker work day

I just finished The Shepherd's Crown, Terry Pratchett's last book. It was lovely and sad to finish it, especially the afterword by his editor talked about all the ideas he still had kicking around that we'll never get to read, at least not his versions.

Beetlejuice on a double-bill with The Witches would be fun. 80's comedy-horror night!

Can I promote myself even if my name isn't Seamus?

Black Violin Stereotypes. I'm not a big music person - I like music, but I don't seek it out - so when something hits me just the right way, I know I have to buy it. It's a mash-up of classical and hip-hop and I'm really loving the sound. If that wasn't hipsterish enough, I heard it on NPR!