The Commenter Formerly Known As Billybird

@pixelpushing: God knows Microsoft and HTC aren't. My HD7 has a 1250 mAh. The phone sucks, which means I'm never on it, and it's still dead by dinner. I'm tired of reading about these battery breakthroughs and none of them coming to fruition.

Yeah, shit just got real real.

This dude has some awesome creeper eyes going on. Surpassed only by the king of creepy - ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Scott Forstall, Senior VP of iPhone Software.

I'm underwhelmed. I have no problems admitting I expected more from a pure Google phone. This isn't a flagship phone from an innovating company. This is a rehashed Galaxy S with Gingerbread.

@Ham_Sandwich: Oh for sure, I'm definitely glad you did it and not me. I'm living vicariously through you.

@TxTodd: They're supposed to open the package in front of the customer though. Not after they leave.

The only thing that could possibly make this any cooler is if was actually for sale.

@rashad123us: Read this: [] Specifically the part about whining about content. This was news to me, so, in that sense, Gizmodo succeeded.

These are the exact specifications that many people spout off when they're pretending to know what the fuck they're talking about. Ever since Giz ran their first article discussing these magic specs I've made it a point to gauge how full of shit some is simply by listening for one of these keywords.

I love these types of stories, usually. Tonight, though, there actually seems to be intelligent, mature, adults debating this Verizon/AT&T issue. I'm impressed and monumentally disappointed at the same time.

@im2fools: Hatin' on Walken? You got it all wrong. I love me some Christopher Walken.

I don't know much, but I do know that when the Wikileaks movie gets greenlighted, there isn't a more perfect weirdo to play Assange than this epic weirdo.

@Caturday Yet?: Hell yeah I do. For 10 bonus points, what cartoon float was Rick Astley singing from during that live Rick Roll? No googling.

@aphrony: I'm with you. There's nothing better than an elaborate, real-world rick rolling.

@paddyirish: That's brilliant, let's solve apathy with more apathy. Please, go back under your bridge you ignorant, ignorant troll.