The Commenter Formerly Known As Billybird

Sad? No. I remember Blockbuster filling my area with stores when I was a kid. I also remember, as a direct result, the local mom & pop shops being forced to close down. I will never feel sorry for a corporation, especially one who waited so long to evolve (here's looking at you, Nokia). As far as competition

Diarmuid O’Scannlain and Randy Smith, and Judge Charles Wolle were the three responsible for this decision. O'Scannlain and Smith are extremely conservative. Smith being appointed by G. W. Bush, so it comes as no surprise that he would vote this way. And to think; these are the idiots who are next in line to rule

@Hello Mister Walrus: That doesn't involve going onto private property and attaching a piece of surveillance to another piece of private property.

The software problem was remedied by removing Flash. Spying continues.

I would like to see them introduce an iPod Touch with a 4" screen. Not very probable, but a boy can dream.

@RaySquared: I think you're right. This thing has got to slide the other way for a physical keyboard.

@Barion: Hmm, I thought owning was the smartest way to go, even for rich people. Because when he blows through his money, which he will most certainly do, he'd have at least that asset to call his own.

@DanielJ: I'm pretty happy right now that someone tied me in with any kind of a Family Guy reference. Thanks for that.

*Slowly backs out of the room*

@RaySquared: Well, yeah, I think we all pretty much use speaker phone, but wouldn't this be a bit of an overkill for speakerphone?

@JDickson87: Furthermore, can you explain to me why, if making millions upon millions of dollars per year, he's financing a vehicle in the first place? Is there some secret financial benefit from rich people not owning their vehicles?

God that guy is a douchebag. I sincerely wish he would just go away.

@joncoffee: No, I'm not kidding. Did you notice how I referenced myself and the people I hang out with and live with? That makes this feature pointless to me and everyone I know. Now, if I, in fact, lived in your barrio, I probably wouldn't have said what I said, because I would see people using their cell phone's

Photography contest idea:

@RaySquared: Fantastic, you and the other 6 people who use the built in speakers on their phones to listen to music will be extremely happy with this product then. :-D

My initial reaction was a slight cringe. I can't recall a single time I, or anyone I know for that matter, used a phone's speaker to listen to music. I either use headphones or hook it up to a real sound system or my car. This comes off as a slightly desperate move to try and separate themselves from the pack.

I think touchscreen and desktops can coexist. I don't like the idea of a full touchscreen, but, I do love the idea of touchscreen gestures. Swipe to flip pages of PDFs, pinch-to-zoom, minimize, etc... The possibility is there to be very very cool, if done right.

I don't know anything about the coding that goes into these manufacturers custom layers, but, would it be feasible to have Touchwiz, or Sense, or whatever else, an option in Market? Install it if you want, uninstall it if you don't like it.

@dgkz0idberg: It's the spelling contests you always lose, though, right?

Anyone else, when hangin' with your mates, tippin' some pints, get into a farting contest and piss your pants while trying to be top fart dog? I just did.