The Commenter Formerly Known As Billybird

Drop your keys in the fishbowl and let's get this party started!

Noah Wyle's got some sweet lambchops goin' on there. And when did Napoleon Dynamite get put on Giz's staff. I got nothin' for the guy in the plaid shirt back there.

"I'm ret t'go"

This looks like a great phone, if you're into chubby girls. I think I'll save myself for the HTC Desire HD though.

"You know what *else* could draw a crowd? A golfer with an arm growing out of his ass. " -Shooter McGavin

@Felic_the_Cat: *Slow Clap* Well done, you just got yourself a filled heart and a new bff.

@Vulphaestus: Oh no you di'int! Jack tried getting up on that wooden door with with Rose, and it sank. He sacrificed himself so that she could go on and live a full life and die an old lady, warm in her bed.

Now playing

If you don't cry, you're a heartless bastard. I'll never let go, Jack.

@Turkieshooter: Why are you even talking about antenna issues in a post about liquid metal? Thread hijacking at its best.

I would kick my own ass if I had to buy a $120 bag just for my produce.

@Fredy04: Yeah, what Fredy said, or whatever else makes it work and me look smart.

@SheemGlav: You got it buddy. Nothin' wrong with a little slap-stick once in a while.

@bjaxon: Don't look at it as adding a number, look at it as sharing a number. Then everything works great.

Cool, they should call this my wife.


The folks over at Buxton Inc. are gonna be mighty pissed off that Booq totally ripped off the Buxton Organizer: "The biggest little bag in the world."

Before his art career took off. We've all had shit jobs, bills gotta get paid, don't judge. R.I.P. Bob Ross