The Commenter Formerly Known As Billybird

R.I.P. RIM. Hopefully they can sustain themselves selling 8520s and such to corporations, 'cause the private sector has spoken.

@thechansen: That wouldn't be so bad, unless Peter North was starring in it. That guy can.....nevermind, google it.

@LukeDukem: I know I shouldn't be, I should be, in all actuality, creep'd out right now, but that just turned me on. Having that third booby opens up a plethora of new combinations and tricks.

Seems like a fair trade to me. Titties for cash. This basic idea has been allowing single moms and poor college girls to prosper for years.

It's going to be a magically amazing experience to be able to see each and every needle track-mark on these porn stars.

@ZZZYZZZ: Mediocre? What kind of devices are you using where a 1GHz processor and a 4" screen are mediocre? Some people aren't happy unless they're bitching.

@rebelminion: I don't have any experience with Tivo's interface. Is it pretty slick and intuitive? Searching for shows is painless?

I don't need a full fledged Apple T.V. I need DirecTV and Motorola to take a cue from Apple's UI intuitiveness and start putting some effort into their cable boxes. The entire menu interface is a joke, searching is an even bigger joke. Would I buy an Apple television? If it had it's own UI for running my DirecTV

@willyolio: And there it is, ignorance, I knew it wouldn't take you long. Thank you for not disappointing me.

@gatsu25: I'm glad I'm not the only one. I didn't even realize I was on there, tossing his ass around for 25 minutes.

@minjChE: I'm in a great mood today. In fact, I'm in a great mood pretty much all of the time. My initial comment had no hint of hate in it, that's all I was saying. I didn't wish ill on hipsters or anything like that. I was simply trying to point out that the hipster sub-culture has become, as hard as it tries

@willyolio: Yeah, because putting the word urban in front of bicycle is a great way to let people know it can't go off-road. How about the 3" tire, that's a great indication that it wasn't meant for off-road. The damn thing can barely be ridden on a paved street. If it could go off-road it would be called a

@Dara Moghaddam: No, the bike was never awesome. I am very glad you think so though. Just because it's a new, unique design doesn't automatically make it awesome. There was no hate, I certainly don't remember using the word hate anywhere in my comment.

Ah dammit, I knew it had something to do with hipsters. My hunch was verified at 0:06 of the video: the word "urban". Hipsters can't stop themselves from putting urban in front of everything. What's ironic, the video appears to be in a rural area. Or maybe that was his intention, hipsters love being ironic more

Ummmmmm, I'm gonna show some restraint here and just say I used mine - well - in a different way.

@BoscoH: I want in on that slow clap.

@Skyman9: You got your URLs mixed up. [] is where the dumbshits converge. Common mistake. That's strike one though. :)