The Commenter Formerly Known As Billybird

Nathaniel Hawthorne would be so very proud.

@meatbag_pussrocket: I tried, but when I super-enhanced the x-axis with a bitmap all I got was this. Needless to say, it didn't help.

You guys, this just got bigger than we ever imagined, MUCH bigger. I took the original image, transposed it, ran it through a flux filter, discombobulated it via a pixelnator and then ran it through an algorithminator. This is the resulting image. It's obvious HTC is announcing season 7 of Lost. It seems so

I would cover that entire floor in fecal matter as soon as we hit 15' - on accident of course.

@zross312: A little late to the party, zross312. Go back and read all the replies. I can only admit my mistakes so many times in one day, I've reached my limit, you're shit out of luck. :-p

@chocolatebanana: Oooooh, not the right time to agree with me. The article was bashing people for denying broadband for OTHER people, not themselves. In which case, they are selfish dicks. You have time to edit and save yourself.

@KefkaticFanatic: Yep, you're right. I dropped the ball and completely misread. As John Holmes would say, my bad.

@ostartero: I mis-interpreted the entire article. I thought the article was bashing people simply for not wanting broadband for themselves. Bash me if you must, it's warranted.

@Sepp_TB: Absolutely correct. I did mis-interpret the article. There's some serious egg on my face. I'll take my lumps for this one. Thanks for the respectful clarification.

This may be the first time this has ever happened, but, I'm sending Adam and this article to #warn and #banhammer. Calling people "dicks" and "selfish assholes" because of what ultimately comes down to a lifestyle decision is completely assholish in and of itself. You have no right to pass judgment on these people.

I like it, I really do. The big boys might have to keep a watchful eye on Dell's mobile division, they're churnin' out some pretty decent hardware over there.

The Desire HD/MyTouch HD is a sexy piece of gadgetry. The Vision/G1 Blaze, on the other hand, is it's fat, ugly friend that you have to be nice to and pretend is interesting if you wanna have any chance of scoring with the sexy one.

You mean to tell me that 1 out of every 5 people has never seen 2Girls1Cup? Uncultured swine.

Now this, THIS creeps me out. Thank god. I've been walking around in a tiffy because the thing that was supposed to creep me out, didn't. The universe has balanced itself out.

Too much bezel. I know they had to extend the bottom of the phone down to cover the slide-out keyboard and all, but it's ugly. Like my girlfriend, I'll only show it to friends in poor lighting or at night. Or when they're drunk, things look real good when you're drunk.

@KamWrex: That's what she said. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

I don't get it. I'm still waiting for the creepy. I feel cheated.

@Zinger314: Dividing by zero is impossible....unless you're.....I won't say it.

@jturnbow: It means every single person, regardless of physicality, mental ability or social status, has the right to be treated with respect. Why are you arguing this? I broke the cardinal rule and fed the god damn troll. Shame on me.

@jturnbow: Sherlock called, he told me to tell you "no shit". All men are created equal isn't a statement about physical ability, nor did I ever intend it TO be. You have an uncanny inability to not see things in context.