The Commenter Formerly Known As Billybird

@PoG: I'm not 100% certain, but it's probably pretty similar to what happens inside The Large Hadron Collider: a lot of heat, crashing protons and dense gravity fighting for dominance. Also, stink, it'll probably smells of wet garbage when they merge.

You know what else absorbs all light and converts it to energy, Camryn Manheim's thighs.

The coolest part about this is the display. Take out that black thing in the middle and I'll buy it.

1. Be born in the right country:

@Schm1tty: Yeah, your compassion is boundless. So boundless that when said satire was provided with some context and it turned out to be a cancer survivor with a prosthetic leg you still felt it necessary to "hate" the fact that Chris felt an apology was in order. Further calling him a hypocrite for it. That, my

@Schm1tty: It seems you're trying to justify being judgmental. There are actual people who, in fact, don't laugh at every person that may look different from them when they pass them on the street. Some people may even have compassion, or enough logic to wonder why, to tell themselves maybe some unfortunate series

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: It may not increase it, but it most certainly emphasizes just how sincere he is.

@Yinzers Are People Too: I assume I'll be going to hell too because I laughed my freakin' ass off? I'll be in good company I guess.

@rathat: I know, huge pixels are sooo 2010.

Wha.....huh....I saw "one ounce" and came as fast as I could. Ahhhh, dammit, just a robot article. As you were people.

Those AT&T users should have known something was awry when they actually had bars and not the dreaded:

Heyyyyyy, wait a cotton pickin' minute here, I knew I've seen that creepy dude somewhere before. It's freakin' Powder (1995 - Hollywood Pictures). He's not so scary now. Just keep him away from thunderstorms.

Alright, read this article, read the original article, someone tell me what the fu*k this thing is even used for. Excuse the language, I just felt cheated. I watched the video hoping it would provide some information as to the exact purpose of this unholy creation. And instead of answers - I got goosebumps and a

Wow, scientists are childhood-ruining dicks. The Triceratops has been my favorite dinosaur since I was knee high to a grasshopper.

@Billybird: I find it equally concerning at the speed in which AT&T responded to this article.

I find it concerning that their customer service representatives are completely unaware of something so common and necessary for accurate billing. If AT&T's official statement is to be believed, the representative wouldnt had to of given 'cnpeyton' a placate answer about "phone updates" or "downloading mail".

@sega8800: As far as mmmv, I'd like to make it clear that I'm not a Microsoft hater. I didn't go into playing with the prototype with my mind already made up. I was actually pretty eager and hoping it would kick ass. Having three main players in the mobile os field would facilitate some serious ingenuity and result

@HK-47: Eh, Chinese workers are prone to suicide. What you need is a good, industrious Mexican worker. I assume you'll be providing adequate pay and allowing three scheduled breaks; two 15 minute and one 30 minute lunch? If said worker is to work a 9 hour or more shift the lunch break should be 1 hour.

Unless they reinforced it with some kind of wire mesh on the inside, it's not as strong as you might think. Concrete is very strong when being compressed, but is actually very brittle when dropped or hit with a solid object. So, again, I hope it's reinforced.

@sega8800: Alright, I guess I have to explain this to you and Facebook. My wisecrack was not meant to be taken literal. It was a subtle jab at Microsoft's new mobile OS. Between all the media reviews that, in nicer terms, call it a piece of shit and my own personal, hands-on experience (piece of shit), I was just