The Commenter Formerly Known As Billybird

It's amazing to me that more pilots aren't killed simply from ejecting. Consider this, a pilot who ejects from a jet traveling at the speed of sound (750 mph/1,207 kph) experiences, in the neighborhood, of 20 Gs. That's a force 20 times his/her own body weight. Crazy stuff. Heads-up move on the pilot's part

I'll take the obvious one this time. Hello DNA strand.

@chizelord: I don't understand, why would that be tacky? I understand remaining professional is expected but when you have an interesting of a job as your dad does, I think it's called a perk, not being tacky.

Somebody get a hold of TranquilNight. We need a CSI montage, STAT!

With the amount of Tron references on this site, I'm feeling like I owe it you guys to at least watch the original. I guess now is as good a time as any to come clean - I'm a transplant geek. I was the jock in high school and now I'm a geek. I hope I don't get the pillory for this.

Best picture in the bunch. Also, it seemed like a large number of the women have, what appear to be, knife scars. Creepy, but very intriguing.

The money never ends, Floyd, ask Iron Mike.

@Finstern: Dude, 22,000 years ago cameras weren't even like invented yet, like, omg.

@GitEmSteveDave'sTopHatX: That's not all, the outlet to the left of the shelf is missing in the first picture as well.

They've been stealing trade secrets from Motorola since as early as 2001? So, Huawei almost went bankrupt, twice, almost had to sell of the mobile-handset division and had about a 5 year stretch without a memorable product. Sounds like justice was served.

This would give more credibility to this, which surfaced a few months ago.

@cavitating: Oh man, I can't wait to get Steve-O's butthole up close and personal all up in my grill. /Sarcasm

One tenth of one percent? That's like 7 people. VZW and Motorola are some dedicated MOFOs.

@breadofwonder: Wow, you and Matt Pinfield are kindred souls. He gave an interview earlier this year, going into great detail, about everything you just spoke of and more. He spent a lot of time talking about how record labels spend 0 time developing artists. Blaming it, basically, on everything you said in your

Of course the "single" paradigm is flourishing. It allows consumers to purchase the song they want without paying for an overall shit album. A lot of bands put together an album that revolve around one, maybe two, good songs. The other ones are just fillers.

@blehbleh13: As long as your "person" isn't Wall Street Analyst with Broadpoint AmTech Brian Marshall. This guy has been predicting a Verizon iPhone since late 2007. He also said the iPad would utilize Verizon's network. If he keeps predicting it he'll eventually be right.