The Commenter Formerly Known As Billybird

The Verizon iPhone nuts are going to see this as another prophecy. That they're gearing up to keep iPhone data in check.

Projecting revenue is similar to finding a mate in that if you set your expectations really low, you're usually pleasantly surprised.

@abates25: I'm guessing their $18 billion dollar estimate is due to the holiday season falling in the fourth quarter and has nothing to do with a Verizon iPhone.

I hope Backflip Studios incorporates this into their next Ragdoll Blaster installment.

Man, I wish I had even a shred of Photoshop talent because I have a great idea for an image to this article. It would be the Netflix and Redbox logos, personified of course, sitting in a warm, classy restaurant, sipping Brandy, smoking a cigar and engaged in an intense battle of chess. Outside the restaurant window

It's not all bad when it comes to hiding cell towers. Here are some winners:

Coroner- "Why are all these women being brought to my morgue with shit-eating grins on their faces?"

@im2fools: Yes, I am aware that the iPhone is not the only medium in which an individual can distribute illegal content. Are you aware that the iPhone App Store is the only thing that Apple can directly control and filter to keep said things out?

@im2fools: In my opinion, stoll too much leeway for child porn shit to happen. Even with your security features in place. Imagine a young girl making a stupid mistake and some pervert taking a screenshot and then distributing it.

I'm kind of glad it got pulled. Parents don't monitor their kids' iPhone behaviors. Parents, for the most part, are clueless about these types of things. And yes, I know it's the parents' responsibility, but you were kids once too and every little bit of help is much appreciated. Kudos to Apple for keeping a clean

This makes me feel minuscule.

Hey, Boxee hipster-guy, you sister called, she wants her jeans back.

I could use a bigger hard drive.

I don't know how, but it's Apple's fault. In some way, shape or form it has to do with the iPhone 4's antenna problems/non-problems.

I laughed out loud at this article. The church is essentially saying their fictional character is better than other fictional characters. Unbeknownst to them they just engaged themselves in the longest running of nerd arguments.

"Apple's Brewing Shitstorm"

@Wansai Ounkeo: My guess is it had something to do with Nokia's virtual non-existence in the smartphone realm. In 2009 Nokia wasn't even in the top 10 in the US smartphone market. Aquiring Palm would have given them an immediate boost up that list.

Vaginas look like sad old men.

@sgtzim: I'll be down in a little bit, I gotta go kick a puppy real quick.

Looks like Smokey made it off the island after all.