The Commenter Formerly Known As Billybird

I don't understand why T-Mobile is on that list. They're still a very viable company. They're rolling out HSPA+ in a dozen markets right now with a shit-ton more scheduled. Which makes the "lack of 4G" argument kind of silly and not true.

Yeah, you know it's there.

They should call this planet destroyer 'Mr. Brown'.

They should name it Charlie - or Mr. Brown.

@Arken: Good call.

"And while the decision is definitely a small victory for file-sharers everywhere"

@Augure: Banhammer? Please?

What's awesome about that is it shows how different times are now. Not only did these two guys NOT get fired for doing something to women in the bathroom, but they openly admit to getting piss-drunk on company dime.

As much as I don't want to be, I'm disappointed and slightly insulted by his lack of faith in my (our) intelligence. Could people have used today's cell phones back in Mr. Cooper's hay-day - probably not as easily, if at all. But everything is a progression, and it's something all of today's smartphone users went

I lost all my crops once, in a police raid. I said it was medicinal for my glaucoma. They didn't find it as funny as I did.

Gaymeboy (for his pleasure)

Ha, that picture reminds me of a dirty joke about Raggedy Ann & Pinocchio.

Jesus god in heaven, that dimple got an extra 6 inches deeper in the newly restored version. It looks like the Mariana Trench.

@Drowningfish: Beautiful. Did you create this, Drowningfish?

Well thank god for that, as long as they say they won't do it. Because it's totally not like the NSA would lie.