
This is actually a brilliant twist in how the show is parodying how the modern world is only going to get even worse in the future. They WOULD believe they’re on a reality show (against their wills no less) at some point. That is the world we’re in in some ways. Reality is blurring.

I love Padma,but nothing about her says “nice”. Nice girls usually don’t serially date geriatric billionaires.

Interwar period U-boats didn’t have much underwater range and so for most purposes (i.e. everything except actual torpedo combat) they stayed afloat.

Believe it or not, it actually makes sense. U boats only dove to attack or escape. They mostly traveled on the surface. Since this movie takes place in peacetime, there wouldn’t be any reason to submerge other than for training.

I found a fun article about that subject, and an answer to it is actually in the original script.

Solo took an unfair beating. As a standalone work, separated from the Star Wars universe, it’s a very satisfying space adventure. My only beef is that seemingly everything in Han’s backstory takes place within Solo’s run time.  Winning the Falcon, Kessel run, meeting Chewbacca, “I’ve got a good feeling about this”...

Also, of note, I also appreciate just how many great character actors crossed over with Raiders of the Lost Ark and Flash Gordon — as Katanga is the guy who tries to assassinate Ming and is then run through right at the beginning of the Mongo sequences (and of course William Hootkins is both Porkins in Star Wars and

Just to add to the already excellent answers here, the way I read Indy’s reaction is that he’s pissed because Katanga is implying he always looks terrible. He hasn’t slept in two days and during those two days he dug a giant hole, found the Ark, got trapped with a bunch of snakes, rode a statue to get out, had an epic

I don’t know, Harrison Ford is tough to replace. The dude in Solo was fine, but he in no way resembled Harrison Ford.
Although, if they keep the timeline in-place, that would put the new Indiana Jones movie in 1976. Indiana Jones and the Disco Revolution. 

Now playing

I found this the other day, while trying to explain to my friend who the beefy sax player from the terrible Gunship song was:

It’s complicated, but it’s probably because he’s a dues-paying member of the Antagonist’s Guild, which sided with the Snake Wranglers Local 73 when they went on strike. The Hazard and Trap Setters Union stayed out of the dispute, so he’s got no problem with them.  After all, they do the work no one want to do; who

One thing Spielberg has a real knack for (and it doesn’t get mentioned all that often ) is depicting violence. When an act of violence happens in a Spielberg movie, you feel exactly the way he wants you to feel. When someone gets shot in Raiders, it’s a punchline. When someone gets shot in Saving Private Ryan, it’s

I’ve heard this criticism before...but it’s actually not really true. Yes, the Nazis at the ceremony would have still opened it and gotten their faces melted off, but the Nazis would have still been in possession of the ark. Indy gets the Ark into the hands of the Americans, which was his mission. We don’t see how he

I mean, the plot does have some problems - mainly that the end results (the Ark melting lots of Nazis) would have been exactly the same whether Indy stuck his nose into things or not.

I’m not sure that I agree that “the fights have an almost dreamlike sense of unreality.”  I mean, the sound design of them is wonderfully ridiculous (it sounds like Indy is hitting people with telephone poles when he punches them), but the fights really work because when Indy gets hit, Ford really shows you that it

Pailine Kael was a hopeless grouch, Karen Allen is great. That is all..

Am I the only one who prefers a new Indiana Jones film with a younger actor rather than casting an old Harrison Film?

She was pitch perfect. She got a laugh every time during our preview, and there were actual gasps when Emma insulted her. Genius balance between annoying and enduring. 

well, did you read the other article, the one from the hollywood reporter? that is why i asked. because reading one, i got the sense from the other there were enough similarities, just paraphrased and rearranged. granted same movie, etc, etc. but... that is why i was wondering if it was my imagination.

I really enjoyed this. There’s some great subtle physical comedy with the footmen that I especially liked.