
Only watched the first hour so far. But man, Whedon—piece of shit that he is—is much better at pacing and structure. The Snyder film gives me the same feeling as a Terrence Malick film, owing to its lack of coherent structure and organization, and its seeming frivolity. Just pure artistic indulgence. It’s interesting,

“A slightly less stinky turd”

It’s better than a dumpster fire but twice as long.

“Let’s talk about how Zack Snyder’s Justice League compares to the Joss Whedon version.”

This will warm your heart on the coldest of days.

My one hope for all of this: I never have to hear about the fucking Snyder Cut again. I generally try not to yuck other people’s yum. I get that Snyder’s style is not appealing to me and that’s fine. Enjoy what you enjoy.

But damnit I am tired of hearing about this fucking thing.

IMO they’re the worst band that are regularly in the musical rotation at restaurants and businesses, that’s why the concept of them getting cancelled has had me in a good mood all week. I knew it would be over eventually but it would be incredible if coming back from the pandemic I could count on not hearing that shit

Boring middle-class white people everywhere are absolutely OUTRAGED right now at this brave yet controversial commentary 

I'm going to make a very brave and controversial statement. Mumford & Sons is awful. Like, easily one of the worst bands I've ever heard in my life 

Mumford & Sons’ banjoist Winston Marshall

Now playing

No that was after Pirates. Strangely enough, though the movie isn’t very good, it does take influences from some of the early story concepts for the ride.

My cousin saw that movie 5 times in theaters. He's in jail now

Um...”fictional East India Company”?

That movie is the biggest mess... I mean goddamn.  It feels like its longer then Gone with the Wind and its because its sooooooo slooooooooow.  The tone is more fucked then a Ryan Murphy production... while on drugs.  The first scene is a kid being hanged.   Fun family pirate film huh?  

Look, I try to be open-minded and sex-positive and whatever the fuck, but then I read an advice column where a person’s husband is sexting their own cousin and the response is that they should look up the legal definition of cousin-fucking and twist themselves into knots to arrive at a place where you can sext your

Indeed. Some him for the first time like 3 or 4 years ago opening for Iron Maiden. Really fun show and I’d totally pay to see AC headline.

Indeed, a story can be interesting, important, and valid even if the storyteller is kind of a hypocrite. Like, there was clearly some major sexual harassment issues going on at NBC and CBS, that doesn’t mean they should have just refused to continue reporting on Cosby, Weinstein, etc. on principle.

I agree. I feel bad for the people who were interviewed for the Bon Appetit series. They had to discuss some pretty upsetting times in their life, only to find out a lot of that reportage will never air.

I saw a description elsewhere that clarifies the zombies are relegated to vegas, and the protagonists are trying to sneak in before it’s bombed to oblivion.