
I’m on the John Waters side with Salo, in that I think it’s beautiful in a very, very fucking disturbing way. Like all art house films it’s also dull in parts as crazy as that sounds. It’s horrific, but I’d also argue Pasolini makes a lot of great points in it.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood made $140 million in the U.S. alone! US made $175 million! The Irishman and Marriage Story are available to anyone with a Netflix account! Knives Out is on its way to $100 million! Little Women is based on one of the most well-known American novels ever published! You really haven’t heard

Climax was infuriating to watch. How fuckin stupid are these people? Yet I could not look away

I have come to terms with not liking Rian Johnson’s movies. I can see they are well-made and well directed and well acted....I just haven’t liked a single one. Knives Out was enjoyable, but I thought it should have taken it further. It’s interesting that the reviewer made comparisons to more straight mystery movies,

So far I’ve gotten “DR__K Y_UR OVALT__E" What could it possibly mean?

How often would you say you get super, duper angry when others have different opinions than you? 

Exactly. It’s slowly becoming my second favorite film of the year, because it’s a very mature film. Honestly, you could make the argument that the end never happened, except in Rick and Cliff’s brains as they realize things will never be the same. 

I’d switch 1 and 2 (for starters, I think that Pacino was better in Once Upon a Time than the Irishman) but otherwise I generally agree with this list. I didn’t want to like “A Marriage Story” but credit where credit is due: the film is a masterpiece and genuinely moving. 

It’s (Once Upon a Time) is so much better than I thought after the re-watch. There’s a lot going on in it, and to me it felt like Tarantino’s most mature film to date. Gone are all the pop culture references from characters, and instead it’s a look at when time has passed you by (for Rick and Cliff). Margot Robbie

2+ hours of nothing much happening

This is a solid list. I’ve not seen the irishman (yet) but I really like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. The more I think about it, the more i realize there’s a ton going on. I just rewatched it and realized the entire middle scene where they break up the characters is brilliant... a fake Western where the star is

The only movie I feel is really missing from this list is Apollo 11, which remains one of the only movies this year that has stuck with me months after the fact. In addition to being one of the most visually stunning movies I’ve ever seen, it told the story of the Apollo 11 mission in a way that I didn’t quite expect

I know this is pretty controversial, but I liked Shazam and I think more DC movies should follow its lead.

Shazam has been my favourite of the DCEU movies, it had a better villain and 3rd act than Wonder Woman did. I’m really looking forward to these new films.

Great movie. Easily one of my favorite movies of the year. 

True. But for the person in the middle of it, it’s also thousands of notifications to their phone (which most people leave on, despite the fact that social media notifications are terrible as a rule) with people telling you how much they hate you.

There might be people who can deal with that, but it’s disingenuous to

So, because a couple of slackjawed yokels on Twitter were offended on somebody else’s behalf, Boyega has to apologize for a statement in which he clearly was talking about himself.

Wow, that’s crazy. I read the review without bothering with the letter grade, and based on what Ignatiy wrote, I would’ve thought he’d graded the movie a D or lower. 

The whole Canto Bight sequence was pretty fuzzy-headed in general - Rose tells us these are the worst people in the galaxy, so we’re expecting some pretty gnarly shit. This is a series where we’ve watched a crime lord respond to the slightest pushback from a sex worker by feeding her to a monster in front of all of

The real problem with the Casino scene is that the stakes are so high elsewhere.  The rest of the rebellion is literally on the run and are seemingly hours away from destruction, everything is on the line, so every moment that’s spent horsing around on the casino planet feels like a risk the heroes can’t afford to