
Man, I saw it in the big theater at the Kabuki, too, and the sound quality in that old theater is pure ass, the mix even worse.  I couldn’t even hear what they were saying half the time.  Literally went to see it the next day at the Metreon and got my brains blown out by the high quality sound and ten times brighter

Well, to be fair, at least Lucas had a plan of where his boring shit was going. That’s more than you can say for Kathleen Kennedy and, shudder, JJ Abrams. Nothing in Star Wars is worse than Rise of Skywalker.

Bad gay at the glory hole when you peek through to see fricken Giuliani’s tired wang coming your way

The reason to have a threesome is so you can think about it later.  At the time it’s kinda hectic unless you’re super bombed and in the shower, in which case it’s fine.

Well, mental illness is real. I think it’s safe to assume she had not tweeted like this before, or he would have been canned sooner, so it is conceivable that she flipped out.

Tbh, she looks more like a dude with manboobs and hidden penis syndrome.

He was supposed to be the bad guy in Raiders of the Lost Ark, which of course he was.

Love this documentary, love most of their movies together.  Nosferatu is an all-time favorite.

Does Vince Vaughn’s character slut out as the teenage girl?

Today we have a special on revagination

His introduction and escape are the most interesting parts of the trilogy.  Him riding a space horsey across the outside of a spaceship in mid-flight, far less so.

But just because people are racist doesn’t mean this particular story isn’t true.

That would seem to be true, but it’s irrelevant to this case, where Depp was suing he for LYING about his abusive ways.  He seems to have thought that proving she was abusive, as well, would somehow prove his case, thus proving that he is an idiot.

Agreed, but the difference is that why “lefty” sites like the Times, the Post, even CNN have left-leaning opinion, they’re still grounded in fact. The daily COVID count is on the front page of the Time every day—I challenge you to go to Fox News and find today’s count.

Let’s hope so, somebody needs to slap Cube.  He’s not just bigging up the devil he always decried, he’s destroying his legacy as a truthsayer. 

If you ever typed LOLZ in response to something horrible, and most kids have, then you know how low-information folks can support Trump.

Are we there yet?

Far too many of the Black men disillusioned with national politics escape to a low-information politic that, whether they realize it or not, aligns them with the worst of white people.”

Talking shit to Kirstie “fucking” Alley period is highly stupid.  I’m guessing whatever former Gawker employee running the twitter that night has since been fired, again.

Agreed. While we’re at it, it would be swank if Anderson Cooper could go back to, I don’t know, TELLING THE NEWS instead of “keeping them honest” by having a 10 minutes hissy fit to start every show.