
They seem like a good idea at first, until you realize you basically can’t drink them fast enough to catch a proper buzz. Sure, they’re 100 calories, but you’d be better off having 4 oz of vodka at ~300 calories than three of these goddamn things.

You’ve clearly never heard of Miami Music week.

People put in a lot of work to make Burningman happen, but the truth of the matter is that if you go anywhere sunny and do drugs for six days straight, you’re gonna have a mystical good time.

If you find someone who’s not always already bound by their subjectivity, let us know, we’ll probably want to worship that person.

But when she was kissing me, she was thinking of Steve McQueen’s DICK!

The best thing about the movie is spending time with those characters, so YES.

AV Club:  Where we read other, substantive articles for you!

What about the giant spider?  What about the gangbang?

Lost Boys is the true sequel to Goonies.

I know what boys like” is among the best examples of how music-video MTV turned us on to amazing shit we would have NEVER known about otherwise (also got me to Christmas Wrapping). And yes: when I was in 7th grade, I was mowing lawns so I could buy Talking Heads on Vinyl, ffs, thanks to MTV. And yes Art of Noise, and

Sure thing, Dave.

. . . if you’re not into funny jokes.

THANK YOU, and agreed.

I’ve long though Dave was an all-time stand up master, probably in the 20 best stand ups of all time. But this special continues the downward trend he’s had on the last couple of Netflix specials. I agree with everything you’ve said above, but I can push all of those legitimate complaints aside and just say: the

All very well said.  And agreed if there were more characters, droids; etc. roaming around, it would make the land feel more alive.  Honestly, that’s a great way to describe it:  this really awesome place that seems devoid of life, somehow.

The Beyond Burger, available right now at your grocery store, is the superior product.  You can grill it just like a real burger, it’s fucking amazing.

Well, you’re tripping, because the Beyond Burger is superior, imo, and you can be cooking that shit EVERY NIGHT! I’ve been doing intermittent fasting, and on my fast days I’m limited to 600 calories. Sounds undoable, until you know you’re going home to a fucking beyond burger with all the fixins, and goddamn, it’s a

So if I voted for Hillary in 2008 and 2016, and plan on voting for Harris now, but don’t take a shine to Warren, I’m necessarily a misogynist?

No one’s saying that about Kamala Harris. I’m sure that many of the criticisms about Warren are driven by misogyny, but many people, like me, just don’t think she seems very fun or cool. Charisma exists, and it often wins elections over substance.

This is the George W. Bush thing. He was absolute idiot who was there to serve corporate interests, but he “seemed like a fun guy,” the “kinda guy you’d want to have a beer with,” so much so that the left seems to have generally forgiven him for most of the hard-right shit he perpetrated. Good old W, he might have