
No, they’d have to have a theatrical release for any film they’d want to submit, as do the other entries.  Perhaps they intend to satisfy that requirement for these movies, in which case I’m fine with it, but if not, I go back to my original question:  why Netflix and not Lifetime?

Why Netflix movies and not Lifetime movies? They’re both made-for-TV-movies, why does Netflix get a pass ?

Yeah, I live in the City, I’ll turn into a pumpkin if I try to drive across the Bay Bridge.

Here in SF we now have Free Gold Watch, which features 40+ pinball machines from all eras, including the newest shit (Total Nuclear Annihilation, FTW), and has almost no videogames. The dude who curates the games is also a wizard of keeping them in perfect playing shape-- I’ve been waiting on this place for most of my

Yeah, I’d rather just play Joust.

Subjectivity, you old rogue!

Another “review” that’s not interested in the movie’s merits, but in the reviewer’s politics.  I’m a fucking Frisco bleeding heart liberal down to my pinky toes, but this review is pure asinine bullshit, and it gives away the ending.

I guess Debra Tate isn’t as woke as this joker.  Somebody should send her an email telling her she should be offended.

This is the most offensive example in recent memory. The reviewer starts out telling us about what he’d rather have seen (a movie specifically about Tate), then goes off on QT’s purported misogyny, then gives away the ending. I haven’t seen the movie, and don’t purport to know if it’s good or bad, but I do know this

You hate “giving money to these people.”  Hollywood?

Sure, most every other review of this movie rates the ACTUAL MOVIE as pretty fucking awesome, but because this “review,” which is more focused on the reviewer’s woke politics, and what the reviewer would have rather seen (more about Tate), all the comment in here are negative as shit.

So you wanted him to make a different movie that was more about Tate and featured more scenes of her talking? How is that a review? I wish we learned more about Admiral Ackbar, but I don’t think that has any bearing on whether Return of the Jedi is a good movie or not.

Shit, I’ve been playing in clubs for years and most of the time I’m lucky to get drink tickets.  Not to say women don’t have it worse, but it’s not like most DJs of any gender are being paid a reasonable amount.

Honestly, I have real problems with the movie once they go to Mississippi, where things seem particularly outlandish and unnecessarily brutal and hateful. But man, the first half of that movie is maybe the best thing QT’s put to film, I love it so much it balances out the first half—and then the end is a stone cold

That’s the one! He’s turned into the Church Lady.

Yes, well, you initial comment was pretty smarmy, one of those “people who push back on the firmly established status quo should shut their asses” comments (it reminds of meat eaters complaining about vegans), so I was responding with smarm of my own.

Oh yeah. Here in the bay area there are HUGE drive-ins with a half-dozen screens. It’s a fucking blast (it would seem that literally everyone there starts smoking a giant Bob Marley joint the second the sun goes down), and compared to how much movies cost in the city, it’s basically free.

If I see skinny Kevin Smith make that same goofy face one more time, I may have to Manson him.

How do you know if everyone watches superhero movies?  They’re the only thing on!

I’ve been seeing rankings of QT’s films this week that put Django in the bottom half, and I can’t disagree more. Maybe it’s because I’m from the South, so I took a particular joy from seeing its noxious history turned on its head, but I consider it one of QT’s finest.