Well, which is it? First you were honking because my complaining about the movie was too much, and now you’re telling me to get it out.
Well, which is it? First you were honking because my complaining about the movie was too much, and now you’re telling me to get it out.
And you’re still going! What would you have me say, Chewie? That I’m going to stop expressing my critical opinion of bad movies? I’m not! That Endgame is a great movie provided you don’t think about it? Can’t say that, either, though I have no reason to doubt you were able to enjoy it.
Still griping Chewbacca? You must have some doubt about the movie to defend it so hard.
Oh Internet, have you ever done anything good?
“All this whinging and moaning and CAPITAL LETTERS for a film a concerning a magical gauntlet hardly befits someone of your rank and station.”
What’s fun is that nowhere did I call anyone names for having a difference of opinion, I’m just here hashing about a recent popcorn movie, which I’m pretty sure is what these comment sections are for.
Yes, not much fight left in me, got it.
Gee, I’d hate to waste “3 pages” of internet space, thanks for setting me straight. I guess I should be like you and enjoy the movie or STFU, right?
All of that exactly.
Yes yes, you’ve bested me on semantics, well done.
I get it, but this was the BIG PROBLEM that had to be solved over the last 23 movies, and the first HOUR of Endgame is dedicated to whining about how the snap has FUCKED THE WORLD.
See your post above where you said only dozens agree with me, so I would assume the remainder constitutes the “vast, vast majority” of film goers? Or maybe you were wrong?
Well, I’ve read a dozen reviews that all say pretty much the same thing, and someone in this comment section posted spoilers about how they address it, but sure, you’re right.
Haha, right up until the part where my dad overslept and would have never met my mom if it hadn’t been for the giant rat crawling over his head that woke him up.
She was probably working for the benevolent towing company that so graciously stored Antman’s van for him.
Yep, you’re right, the vast, vast majority of film-goers don’t share my criticisms.
Eight months? So they POOF came back to life, IMMEDIATELY STARTED THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR THE NEXT DAY (because all those resurrected teachers didn’t need a moment to gather their thoughts), and humanity has fully righted the destruction wrought by the snap in eight months?
Yes, but there wasn’t a 22 movie cycle designed entirely to build up the question of whether my parents would meet.
Expressing my critical opinion is the same as being “bent out of shape” to you? Okay. But Marvel isn’t selling their movies as “intentionally silly,” and most fans don’t think them to be “intentionally silly,” quite the opposite.
Nope, don’t think that at all. But only a fool would think that 3.5 billion people could maintain a society built for 7.0 billion people, hence the abandoned cars and houses we see in Endgame that have sat in the same place for the last five years, because the cleanup is too monumental.