
No, I’m just going to stop giving them my money and bitch about incessantly.

It’s really sad. They had SO many different ways they could have beaten Thanos and undone the snap. Shit, for a year, we saw new theories every day, almost all of which were smarter and made better sense than what the filmmakers went with.

No, I’m just sort of amazed at the willingness to swallow what, to me, is egregious. Those of us who felt betrayed and insulted by Endame feel it pretty vehemently, and while Marvel fanboys have always been more than willing to overlook stupid shit (see: most of Ultron), in this case it’s kind of hard to believe.

If “glorious doofus” with a little smiley face is what you consider an insult, you should really work on that more.

You should really reconsider your constant use of the word “moron,” it makes you look dumb yourself. (Consider the two escaped con brothers in Raising Arizona—when the younger brother calls the people in the bank morons, it’s pretty clear he’s the idiot.) 

When the snap is undone, genius, there were be FAR more people than there are jobs. Food production would have been cut in half; transportation; literally EVERY INDUSTRY would have been DOWNSIZED BY HALF because there were half as many people.

But it’s pretty obvious you’re not one of them.

Like I said, I grew up a comic nerd, I saw all 23 Marvel movies in the theater. But Endgame was a bare fart in my face, and Spidey seems to pretty clearly indicate that Marvel is going to continue to insult the intelligence of its audience.

As long as I see uncritical fanboys like you continuing to say the opposite.

The Avengers didn’t spend the first hour of Endgame complaining about how the world was fucked because of the snap? It was improving, you say? I guess that’s why they didn’t try to reverse it, because things were “improving.”

Sure, first you’re arguing for suspension of disbelief, and now you’re telling me “it’s only a movie.”

No, I think most people don’t. Clearly Marvel thinks that, too, which is why Endgame was such a disappointment, and why this movie seems lame from a distance.

No, but have you seen a movie called “Endgame”? The first hour of that movie is a series of scenes where the Avengers moan and cry over the fact that the world is fucked because of the snap. There are also scenes of Scott Lang, also known as Antman, running down the street to see that half of the houses are derelict,

That’s exactly my point: I’m on board with the fantasy elements, but the reality of the snap can’t swept under the rug.

That makes sense. Maybe the same generous soul who towed Scott Lang’s van into a secure (but highly rat infested) storage unit also went around and cleaned up all those downed planes.

Thanos’ snap only affected sentient beings. He wasn’t down at the Target with a machete killing half the plant department.

I’m glad you like it, and I hope you continue to enjoy what Marvel is feeding you.

The movie is a joy throughout, and takes the characters to fun places they’ve never been before.  The way that Banner acts so goofy after he stops being Hulk is some of the funniest acting in any Marvel movies.

Sure, and we can easily surmise that NYC had to clean all that mess up. That’s an easy leap.

His snap eliminated 50% of the population.  Have you seen any of the movies?