What’s in RDJ’s future? Playing another 20 characters as exactly the same quick-quipping person.
What’s in RDJ’s future? Playing another 20 characters as exactly the same quick-quipping person.
Hahah, well said. Hard to imagine that anyone could like 900 pages and not have any reasonable idea of how they’re going to end the fucking thing--until they take a break and catch Explorers on TBS.
Newsflash, Steve: the actual book is SHIT. Well, to be fair, the first 2/3rd of the book is pretty fun, but then, as King is wont to do (because he doesn’t fucking OUTLINE), he totally and completely shits the bed on the ending. It’s basically the ending of the movie Explorers, though without the fun singing and…
Price was a purposeful sex symbol until the day he died.
There’s a snowball’s chance in hell they’ll let anyone make an R-rated Star Trek, it’s just too off brand.
Of course, that would only be relevant if there had been a 22 movie cycle dedicated entirely to the question of how the Air India crew would manage to ground their flight and then, when the couldn’t, VIOLA! the rats magically managed to do it for them.
Man, you have pretty big opinions about a movie you haven’t seen, from a female, feminist director that you’re comparing to Eli Roth.
Sure bro, that’s what people in Cali are doing, “constant virtue signaling.” Or, you know, maybe we all enjoy diversity, value manners, and do our level best not to be arrogant assholes who stomp around insisting on our right to speak and act in rude and belittling manners.
What X-Men needed was a totally contrived rat ex machina that saved the day after the X-Men couldn’t.
Yeah, you can fuck yourself for the title of this article. My ex-wife never lifted a finger unless she was trying to hit me again, so I divorced her and now I’m a single dad who still does all the housework, just like I did before.
The Devil’s Rejects.
Why would I want to fight someone who’s mentally challenged? That sounds like the kinda lame shit you’d see in a Rob Zombie movie.
Ugh. I understand the original has its followers, but it was lame, puerile shit at best. And everything Zombie has touched since then sucks.
I need another monthly subscription charge like I need a toothpick poked up my peehole.
You know her? Cause you’re talking like you know her.
Pretty sure it’s Anus, Florida.
Okay, thanks for that insightful piece Megan. I’ve asked sixth grade me to log on and respond.
Goddamn, that’s terrible. Poor girl, I can’t imagine.
Hahah, man, that girl fucking HOUSED her principle, haha! And then she dropped the double-dong with that super class-act comeback post. Good for her, she has a bright future as a badass in front of her.
Yeah, I mean, I generally like Tommy Lee, but between the Hep-C, the leaked porn and the cheating, not the best husband material.