I’ve always liked Pam Anderson, she just seems like a fun person, but god to the DAMN does she have shit taste in men. Damn!
I’ve always liked Pam Anderson, she just seems like a fun person, but god to the DAMN does she have shit taste in men. Damn!
Uber’s purportedly using all the money to expand and buy up market share, but there are NO BARRIERS TO ENTRY in their space! If you can program the app, get some fools with cars or motorbikes to sign up, VIOLA, you’re an uber competitor. And then it’s a race to the bottom in terms of price.
I seriously got tears in my eyes when they showed the Millennium Falcon in all its real life glory. Absolute child, haha.
Right, but you appreciate the new right is piloting the Millennium Falcon, right? You might remember that ship from the “pure” Star Wars movies.
Oh, I was watching online.
Dang, really digging in on your hateration, huh? I guess THAT’S THE AMERICAN WAAAAAY
Right, except for her first Netflix special is one of the top-10 funniest I’ve ever seen. The part about shitting at work makes me chuckle just thinking about it.
I saw Gwar many times, but one of the best was in 92', in college, and after the show we went back to the student center for some late night pizza—
Almost kinda like people who realize they have to pee after it’s too late, huh?
Counterpoint: why don’t you eat a fat bag of shit? Who made you the boss of the plane? The plane has a boss, and the boss can tell people to sit down. You wrote this article to engender negative responses, like this one, as a form of clickbait. Basically, you’re Trump, and in much the same way I would say to Trump, let…
It was totally fucking awesome. Iger brought out Lucas, which was cool and unexpected (you could see George grinding his teeth over all the money he’s NOT making from this), then Billy Dee, who was cool, and then, finally, Mark Hamill, who brought the house down.
Actually, even after the reservation period they are going to limit access into the land. Basically, it will be the equivalent of a fast pass to get into the lang (though they won’t be kicking people out, so expect a hearty concentration of fat middle-aged men as the day progresses).
Okay, we get it, it fucking sucks. But you sound like it’s a foregone conclusion, something we can’t change. That behavior is wrong, should be called out as such, and we should demand change.
Good. Red states are free to pass draconian, regressive laws that impugn the rights of women (and others), and we’re free to avoid those fucking bass-ackwards places!
I can do you one better: every time I order from the dispensary they send the same delivery dude, but when he shows up to deliver it, I don’t invite him in to sesh. We don’t even know each others’ names. It’s so awkward.
Right, vegetarians don’t eat at BK because they traditionally haven’t offered shit for non-meat food. Now that they have a meat alternative, they’ve just opened a huge new class of customers. It’s called capitalism, look into it.
We’ll get some napkins and then go in the bathroom to fuck.
And here’s to you and your blossoming joke-writing career.
That’s your joke? Jesus, dude, what I assumed you were saying is far better than what you said, I would have gone with defending my incorrect assumption.
The Impossible Burger tastes like a slightly greasier version of the Beyond Burger, so if you’re saying it tastes like meat, then they both do.