
I’m guessing its a word our non-clubbing friend used to describe dancing.

Who directed Mandy? Panos Cosmatos.

I tell you what:  he parties with me this weekend, and I mean REALLY parties, and we’re cool.

Yes, it is. The US has the most hyperbolically overblown jail sentences as compared to other western countries.

Nope, if your skin is red, we’re allowed to judge you on that basis.  But what would we call that?  What do you call it when people make judgments about your personality on the basis of your skin tone?  I forget the word.

Jesus, lady, everyone in England looks like that.  I mean, my skin is pink is shit.  I already have enough self-confidence issues being pink like pig, let’s please not extend that into some sort of race-based conclusion that red skin = angry and going to pop.

I’ve never understood why.  His movies are, without exception, tedious, emotionless, and ultimately not that memorable.  Highly overrated.

Agreed, Jackie Brown is dull.

Are you suggesting that one of those two movies is more “real” than the other?

And yet here you are posting on it.

Indeed, well done. Together with Basterds and Django, this will be part of QT’s Basterdization Trilogy.

One review said it was a “pulp-fictional redemption of the Manson nightmare,” so yeah, he ret-cons that shit.  Get ready for Dicaprio to overcome his loser vibes and stop the murders himself.

Yeah, I’m pretty worried about what he’s going to throw up there, but here’s hoping he has the sense not to go there.  If there’s a lady begging for the life of her unborn baby in this movie, I’m decidedly OUT. 

Did I make a joke?  I don’t see any joke.

Give me a fucking break. You go read the book. Being an aggressive lech isn’t a “kink.”

Are you suggesting that QT ISN’T a weird perv? Or simply asserting we’re not allowed to make fun of it?

So, the question is: is QT gonna Django it and have them save Tate & Co.? Is Brad Pitt going to kill Charles Manson?

I can’t watch it because of Kloss.  She’s simultaneously grating and lifeless, like a robot that was designed to irritate.  Love Christian, but he’s not enough to keep me interested.

The script for Midsommar is online, and it’s exactly what you expect, and not one thing more.  It’s Rosemary’s Baby, it’s Get Out, it’s Wicker Man.

You’re right, mice might get in your engine, but there’s no fucking way a giant rat is getting in a van, especially one that’s locked inside a storage unit, and has been kitted out to hold some of the most sophisticated technology ever created by man (and apparently runs on a power source that doesn’t expire even