Oh, it’s going to happen, and it’s going to be choreographed to some obnoxious song like the Streak or something.
Oh, it’s going to happen, and it’s going to be choreographed to some obnoxious song like the Streak or something.
People will keep watching Infinity War because it’s a fun action adventure superhero movie. People will not keep watching Endgame because it’s a moody fart fest with stupid logic and bogus action scenes.
Thanks, I’ll travel back in time to six months ago and let myself know.
Hahah, we’ll see!
Probably not as fast as I’m flagging yours, racist troll.
Two ideas:
(1) Reward positive behavior more. I’ve always found my kids were far more likely to be encouraged into positive behavior, rather than punished into positive behavior. And if that doesn’t work:
My mom had the County School Superintendant’s number on the board next to the phone. She called that fucker so many times she said he would answer the phone, sigh, and then say “What can I do for you today, Ms. Scott?”
Infinity times THIS. White mom could have given her daughter a pistol to take to school and they’d appoint her chairwoman of the cake sale.
Dude, you’re spouting racist shit, you’re threatening people left and right, and hey, bottom line, you’re acting just like the white boy bully pricks that this article references. If you can please take a break, I think we have just about all of the asshole racist white men douchebags we can deal with at once right…
Dude, I’ve been flagging your posts for the past five minutes. What’s your problem today? I mean, you’re acting like a serious idiot.
Hey racist, is Fox News closed today? Go post your hateful shit over there, where it belongs.
Says somebody who must not be a parent. The color of her skin is irrelevant, because when somebody fucks with your babies, all you see is RED.
Good for her! I wished she hadn’t cussed (if only because that gives them a legit gripe against her), but otherwise, 100%.
It’s his single best performance, ever. He takes his crazy to a new sad place and becomes more Cage than Cage has ever been before.
Any article about Nic Cage should begin with whatever new thing he’s currently doing then instantly swerve into a dissertation about how Mandy is the greatest movie of all time.
Best movie of 2018? Cage’s best movie? Most exciting new director to hit American cinema in the last decade? Incredible soundtrack? Infinitely rewatchable? Cheddar Goblin? Horn of Abraxis? Jeremiah Sand is a righteous man? That’s what I call the cherry on top? I’m here for the reaper? Starless? The starLINGS?
Good for her. My daughters are 6 and 9 and they love her shit. It took me weeks to understand that when they were saying “jojoseebobo” they were saying “Jojo Siwa Bow” (as in “Daddy, please buy me a jojoseebobo”), but yeah, I’m all for people helping little kids stay little.