
Did he ask why—if half the world was dead for five years, and presumably the infastructure suffered badly as a result, and presumably half of all houses are filled with rotting shit and are overgrown with vines and shit—why did the minute that half the universe popped back into existence did a high school take a

Sorry, but just like with David Letterman, I’m not watching any comedians with a Santa Claus beard.  I mean, ffs, catch a fucking shave.

White Men:  Fucking Sucking Since Forever!

He looks that way the entire movie.

No, he cracks time travel in two questions: show me a moebius strip; reverse it. VIOLA! Time travel.

My bro, you need a hobby.

I agree that soundcloud and other places have created a forum by which otherwise unknowns can become known, and in that sense it may be easier for certain artists to acquire wealth. Though one wonders if the studio system still existed with the resources it had if they wouldn’t have been found through the (now largely

Just another fine day on the internet!  Can I interest you in a President?

Sure, U2 wasn’t making “that much.”

“Streaming allows for more musicians to get exposure so the idea that small indie artists aren’t making as much money as they would otherwise ignores the likelihood they would have probably been making none without streaming.”

Dang Pops, you might want to take a break from the internet, I think you’re about to have an aneurysm. I mean, if you think “Gosh, Pops” warrants all that vitriol, you might be a Republican. 

Sure, gramps, but we were talking about current musicians.  Nobody’s suggesting streaming services are robbing Mozart. 

Sure, U2 makes several million a night.  Go tell that to the young band playing your local bar and ask them if music sales would help their bottom line.

Can’t argue with an unsupported ad hominem attack!

Right. Tell that to the Beatles, who took a year and nearly a million bucks to record Sgt. Peppers. I’m sure if they’d been working down at the chippy it would have been a much better work.

Good lord, this will cause a serious deficit in superhero movies.

“We all switched to pirating music right around that point.”

You’re tripping. Streaming services pay an infinitesimal fraction of a cent for every time a song is played. That’s all well and good if you’re Post Malone, but for everyone who’s not Post Malone, yer FUCKED.

To all the dumbasses who argued “but music should be free!” when Napster first came out, let me ask: how’d that work out? The move to streaming has effectively caused lowest common denominator “global” artists like Taylor Swift to become fantastically wealthy, while robbing anyone who’s not a huge, global artist of

Is the entire movie that dark?  Because I can’t see a fucking thing in this trailer.