Yet people don’t typically launch ad hominem attacks like “you dope” during a simple disagreement. Unless they’re assholes, of course.
Yet people don’t typically launch ad hominem attacks like “you dope” during a simple disagreement. Unless they’re assholes, of course.
Gosh, Pops, you’ve bested my generalization. Congratulations.
Yeah, but that’s Europe, where everyone smokes (even babies), anywhere they please (even the hospital) and no one ever gets cancer. It’s like how the Dutch dip their fries in mayonnaise but never get fat.
Yes, reality being the Batman character as he has existed in popular culture outside of Burton’s quizzical re-imagining.
Huh? This was the second half of a two-movie plot. As you may recall, the Avengers tried REALLY hard to stop the snap, and failed, so here they’re CONTINUING their effort to reverse the snap.
The problem you suggest ruins Burton’s first Batman movie. If Nicholson’s Joker is the guy who killed Wayne’s parents, then Wayne’s mission is solved when he kills the Joker.
If I’m elected President, my first act will be to pass a law disqualifying anyone who had any role in BvS from ever making a movie again.
Not when the heroes are on a single mission to stop the greatest threat of all time. It would be as if the portal on the Death Star simply malfunctioned on it own.
“But the only writing that felt especially lazy were the jokes at Thor’s expense, about his gained weight.”
And thus concludes the most substantive defense of Diplo that has ever been attempted, haha. Good work!
If I could choose between Diplo or Trump to spontaneously combust . . .
I heard she stole the idea from High School.
“In one singular case, Strange directly took advantage of luck that he searched out and identified. It wasn’t dumb happenstance that no one foresaw, therefore not a deus ex machina.”
The Avengers all undertook actions to help save the day, you are correct. But none of them caused the rat to do what it did, and none of them could have done what they did but for the rat. Which is to say the rat remains a deux ex machina.
But again, Strange isn’t the catalyst of the rat. He doesn’t cause the rat, he just does NOTHING with the knowledge that the rat will exist and save the day.
No, I think there are some satisfactory explanations of how the rat got into the van in this thread. But that doesn’t change the fact that the rat—a screenwriting contrivance—is the proximate cause of the Avenger’s victory. But for that rat, the snap would not have been undone.
Hahah, thanks.
Sure, but we didn’t spend 22 movies and the last year building the question of “how did Tony Stark become Iron Man.”
Hey, what can I say, it ruined the movie for me (together with Tony “figured it out,” Nebula’s amazing mind-link, and a half-dozen other contrivances).
Well, he sure didn’t try. Really hard to say his “security business” was more pressing than a hostile alien force attacking NYC.