
How did the rat get in the van? The van is in pristine shape at the end of Ant Man 2, yet it deteriorated so much in those four years a rat could get inside the cab? Okay, let’s accept that: the van rusted out so bad a rat could get into it. But the highly sensitive time machine is fine? And the power to the van is

How is that? Are we to believe that Thanos’ spaceships invading New York city didn’t make the news? I mean, they destroyed half of downtown Manhattan fighting the Avengers, but somehow Scott is doing science experiments at the time, and Hawkeye is teaching archery lessons?

It’s a cheat, it’s pure luck. The heroes didn’t save the day. But for the magic rat, they would have failed.

We’ve been waiting 22 movies to see how our heroes would defeat Thanos. For the last year all anyone has been talking about is how the heroes would undo the snap. Would they use the time stone? The quantum realm? Will they combine their powers in some new way?

Why were Ant-Man and Hawkeye off having fun at the time of the snap? Surely they saw the news reports that Thanos’ interstellar army was attacking New York City, but they just kept on doing nothing? That makes zero sense.

Yeah, but in none of those circumstances did the animals magically get INSIDE the car, did they?

I get it, and I appreciate it. But your explanation creates as many problems as it solves.

It does, and the gods, flying horse, and talking raccoon all makes sense within the fantastical world of Marvel comics. But just because we’re in a fantasy world doesn’t mean I have to accept absurd plot contrivances. It’s not nitpicking, because the rat, Tony “figured it out,” Nebula’s magical telepathy—all of those

I saw it once and had promised I would take my kids to see it, so I went again. I was hoping the second viewing would help correct some of my many grips, but far from it.

Crazy to think that a van that’s so dilapidated rat and mice have gotten into it would still (i) have active power, (ii) contain a fully functioning time machine and (iii) be able to drive across country without damaging said machine. Even crazier to think that rather than having the heroes use the stones or

That wouldn’t be any sillier than the role it played here.

Thank goodness for that or the rest of the movie never would have occurred.

How can a rat crawl through the engine into the cab?  And there’s no food in the van, it’s housing a giant fucking machine.  Also, the van is in a monitored storage area (which, for some reason, still exists after the snap, as if you can’t use your vanished neighbor’s house for storage)--they don’t use pest control in


Raised by caring parents, went to college, possess critical thought.

Nope, because of course there weren’t 22 movies leading up to that question. Literally every think piece on Marvel for the last year has been HOW IN THE HELL WILL THEY EVER REVERSE THE SNAP!? And the answer is “through the power of this extremely convenient rat.” And, if you are to be believed, some very efficient

It’s literally THE pivotal moment in the movie—without it, the snap could not have been undone. What you’re telling me is that you would have accepted literally any solution, no matter how dumb or contrived, because indeed, it’s hard to imagine a more contrived deus ex machina.

Okay. Looks like Luis kept it up real good. But even if he hadn’t, you’re telling me that when Hank was building his life’s work into the van, he didn’t check for rust in the undercarriage?

Oh, I didn’t know that’s what they were playing.

Here’s a picture of the van at the end of Ant Man. ZERO RUST. It’s in pristine, perfect shape, as you would expect Hank Pym to keep it.