What parts are those, exactly? The part where they describe how a van in dry storage can become so completely rusted a rat can come inside? Or the part where they showed Stark laboring on how he could use Scott’s van for time travel? Those parts?
What parts are those, exactly? The part where they describe how a van in dry storage can become so completely rusted a rat can come inside? Or the part where they showed Stark laboring on how he could use Scott’s van for time travel? Those parts?
I’ve seen it twice. There’s no indication that Tony has been doing hard work on time travel—indeed, it wasn’t until Scott shows up that he even has the tool he needs to make it work. All they show is him thinking for two seconds, he says “moebius strip, reverse it, A-HA!” And then it works perfectly the first time and…
I don’t care whether it’s “plausible” or not, it’s bad writing. For a year I have heard 1000 theories about how the snap gets undone, and not one of them involved a conveniently timed rat or Tony “figuring out” time travel, and for good cause. For the solution that was provided, you don’t need anything from the prior…
My intellect? My critical capacity? My desire to not have my intelligence insulted?
Sure, so dilapidated the undercarriage is completely rusted through, but Scott can drive the van all the way across country with the highly sensitive equipment inside preserved perfectly.
Since when? It was a totally functioning van at the end of Ant Man 2. Did it rust out in five years while sitting in a drystorage unit? (Who put it in the storage unit? Who are they storing it for? Where does the second van at the end come from?)
I’m not sure what you’re referring to, but if its in Endlame, no, I’m not ok with much of anything that happened.
No, I don’t think any chance a rat could magically get inside a locked van. But more importantly, there’s not even a 1 in 14 million chance that I would be satisfied by such a blatantly lame deus ex machina. Between the rat and “tony figured it out,” the solution to the snap has nothing to do with the the stones, the A…
First question: can you please type your answers so people can read them at work where they can’t watch videos?
Yeah, the first time I raised an eyebrow was when a magical rat saved the universe by walking over Scott’s van’s control panel. The second time I raised an eyebrow was when the solution to reversing the snap was “Tony figured it out.” The third time I raised an eyebrow was when Captain Marvel appeared as a deus ex…
No, I was thinking more of the giant cock your mom requires.
Be there in a minute, I’m at your mom’s house right now delivering some sausage.
Or maybe you just lack critical capacities.
Yeah, they’re really over being paid millions and millions of dollars to be harnessed in front of a greenscreen for an hour and saying six words.
It includes 45 minutes of him talking to the camera explaining how “neato” the movie is.
Having just endured this extended shart of a movie, did you spit at him?
After Death Proof, it’s probably his worst film. No discernible story, nearly all of the characters are repellent, no urgency, no clear goal, and indeed, it’s mostly hateful, spewing some of the same lame racism that marked Django without the redemptive character notes and ending.
I’m a straight man, but how anyone could be in a room with Chris Hemsworth and not prefer him to Liam is beyond me.
All about those originals of the Sheila E songs, though I can’t imagine they sound much if any different. Too bad they don’t have more of his versions of Time songs, though again, it’s my understanding that he made people play and sing EXACTLY like him, so it’s probably safe to say they aren’t much different either.