
In other important news, Clarke Kent was Superman, but with glasses.

Say what? The Suspiria remake was a resolute failure in at least two ways: (1) it took a steaming deuce on the original, and turned a solidly weird and wonderful classic into a lifeless fart; and (2) it was a supremely bad movie in its own right. I mean, it was boring, it wasn’t scary, it made no sense, it wasn’t


Absolutely not, that’s what daytime shows are for. One trick that worked with my kids was telling them that while other kids their age didn’t get to go to the movies, they did, because they had proven themselves so mature. My kids were proud to sit there quietly to prove me right.

Counterpoint: a great many of the world’s greatest designers never designed a thing for plus-sized women. They designed for the runway, and for famous clients. Indeed, the esteemed Karl Lagerfeld said plus sized women shouldn’t even be allowed on the runway:

Well, come on: I’m a fat dude, and clothes look better on fit dudes. You can tuck a shirt in properly, the chest is in front of the belly, and fit people just naturally look better than fatties like me.

Yes, you’ve done a very fine job of restating exactly what’s in the EW article.  Way to go, you’re a journalist.

Fun game: when someone bemoans the “PC Police” trying to “stifle” their free speech, ask them exactly which words or phrases they wish they could say but for the stifling.

“Snoop’s weed” is the same way anyone in California can legally get. I mean, we get fucking EVERYTHING. You can get vape inserts that are 85% thc, fucking blow your wig off.

Uh, I think you meant to say “Jordan Peele made this so it must be perfect, he’s the Hitchcock times Spielberg of our times, and any suggestion to the contrary will be met with a swift death.”

Man, I think you’re having a different argument. Nowhere did I call you insincere or suggest you’re “making excuses.” In fact, I said if you were able to enjoy the movie without experience the problems I did, then “good for you.” But here you are calling me “shallow” and “overly literal.”

Definitely the most enthusiastic review I’ve seen, the rest are calling it abysmal.

But you omitted the part about “body swapping BUT the black consciousness will still be in there with you, and sometimes take control over you.”

“The rest of your problems can be summed up by just saying that you don’t like science fiction because it’s not realistic.”

Do you think Jefferson married Sally Hemmings and held her out as his wife? No, of course he did not, he used her as his slave.

I mostly agree with your last paragraph, though I’d say “It’s not a perfect movie, and its script problems kept me from fully enjoying it, but I am definitely happy about the conversations it’s created and I’m excited to see what else Jordan Peele will do.”

Sure. “Subtle” racists who actively trap and murder people of another race. Subtle like that? You’ve convinced me: racist murderers really want to become the people they’re trapping and effectively killing. Those crafty subtle racist murderers!

Asking for logical coherence is “asking a bit much a film”? No I’m not. Hereditary makes sense and has an internal logic that holds up; Get Out does not. You say “not all racists think black people are subhuman[,] a lot of them just don’t want them in the family or in their neighborhood,” and that’s a fair statement,

“ The hypnosis is done because after the brain swap, the consciousness of the host remains in the sunken place where they are powerless.”

So any script about racism gets a pass on coherence because “racism doesn’t actually make sense”? Please.  The inherent irrationality of racism also explain why the antagonists engage in such an elaborate hypnotism set-up when they could have easily slipped the dude a mickey before removing his brain?