
Sure.  Racists want to be black, you’ve convinced me.  And their spouses would be fine kissing black lips, and their kids would be fine sitting in a black lap, and they’d all be cool suddenly welcoming black faces into a party where they’ve always been banned.  Makes sense.

Yeah, it’s why I’m taking a fat pass.

Why is the PETA “the worst”? Meat-industry propaganda aside, literally all PETA does is work for the betterment of animals, which I’m all for. Do they sometimes employ Act-Up style tactics to get attention? Occasionally. Does it work? Hell yes.

It’s stupid, you’re right. Why in the fuck do my cotton jeans come with a piece of dead animal attached to them? PETA made a smart move here, I bet it doesn’t take them five years to get that disgusting shit removed for good.

Man, that sure is a clever joke. Maybe you can tell that one to your buddies on the wasteland while you battle over a can of dogfood.

You should read up on corporate governance. You don’t need to be on the board to suggest corporate reforms.

A very smart move.  Why lobby from the outside when you can be an activist shareholder?  We should all invest so wisely.

There are myriad, but here are some of my favorites:

Especially if you saw Get Out. Get Out had a fun, interesting premise, but it utterly shit the bed in the back half (the racists want their brains transplanted into the people they hate? Uh, okay).

Here’s a better question: how does a movie where the third act reveal “seems less than necessary, on top of not making a whole lot of sense” earn a B+?

“The film eventually gets around to taking its nightmare premise from the irrational to the concrete, providing an explanation that seems less than necessary, on top of not making a whole lot of sense.”

This. I want to see racist Mel Gibson playing a racist cop about as much as I want to hear racist Trump saying racist shit.

I can say without compunction that I’ve never enjoyed a Chris Nolan film. They are all far too serious and self-interested; they lack emotion and seem more interested in plot mechanics than character. Dunkirk was a boring, lifeless, meaningless turd—the condensed trailer was better than the movie.

Yes, thrilling that big women can subjugate themselves to Playboy’s misogyny and objectification just like skinny women can.  Another triumph for equality!

So you’re going to buy this issue of Playboy??

Would you say it was “awesome” if a non-plus-sized woman appeared in Playboy?  Wouldn’t you say it was gross, that she was selling herself to a publication steeped in gross misogyny and the objectification of women?

Now wait a minute: Playboy is a gross, misogynist publication that objectifies women and treats them like a slab of jack-off beef, and that’s bad. But if a plus-sized woman appears in their pages, that’s good?

The Dead, John Fogerty, Crosby Still & Nash, Santana have “nothing to with baby boomers”?  What do you think they listened to????

So, it’s OLD classic rock bands (CSN, the Dead, Country Joe and the Fish), and current music (Miley, Chance) all mashed up together? What 70 year old white dude who’s there to see Country Joe in the Fish wants to see Miley Cyrus, and vice-versa?

Except for the “worried when I lost you” part.  That was the best moment of his day, the taste of sweet, sweet freedom.