
Sounds like in reality she wanted to put him on blast for drinking.

Well, you’ve gone out of your way to slam the show and the women who participated, but it’s a very noble cause to try and grapple with what ubiquitous, extreme porn is doing to our society. I’m a grown ass man and lots of what you see is difficult to stomach, particularly the emphasis on “hard” sex, “gagging,” and the

Seriously? He took a flying Zimmerdeuce on the greatest soundtrack of all time. Vangelis created an ambient mood piece for the ages; Zimmerman’s BR soundtrack sounds like snippets from the original times alien farts. It’s not even a soundtrack, but more like disparate sound effects.

Huge mistake. Zimmerman knows how to turn out Zimmerman movie music, and nothing else. Even when gifted perhaps the greatest soundtrack of all time, Vangelis’ original Bladerunner soundtrack, Zimmer could do little more than morph it into his usual thing.

That may be grammatically correct, but a good Southerner doesn’t give a fuck about your fancy grammar and just writes yall.  

Hey Dr. Cloudy, what’s the word I’m looking for?  Oh yeah: FACE!

I’d really enjoy the opportunity to clock it.

Yes, yes, a very popular argument from the right these days: You’re impeding my free-speech rights to be a racist! Where will this oppression end?!?

It’s the whole Mel Gibson thing. I don’t care how drunk I get, I don’t care if I stay up for three nights doing meth and drink six cases of Busch Ice, at no point do I get fucked up enough to start dropping N-bombs or being an insufferable misogynistic prick.

You wrote an article looking back at MJ’s music through the lens of his pedophilia allegations and you didn’t discuss PYT?? 

The rest of society is (rightfully) on a #metoo red alert, but somehow hip-hop’s rampant misogyny continues unabated.  I’m over it.

Yes, right, Disney is buying out theaters. Because their financial disclosures aren’t audited, and they wouldn’t expose themselves to endless shareholder liability if they were fudging revenue numbers.

It’s a pretty reasonable request.  I long to go back to the days of Obama, when we had a president with tact and class.  The F word is the big bad one because, as my kids say, it means “to do the sex.”  Better to not say it in front of kids.

Man, I really wish Marvel movies had better themes.  The Avengers theme is meant to be big and significant, but it just comes off as maudlin and mopey.  Imagine if these movies were blessed with a theme as rousing as Star Wars or Indiana Jones, they’d be twice as good.  (Put another way, imagine Star Wars with the

Yet they’re more than willing to feature the characters and the songs at Splash Mountain (though you’ll notice an odd paucity of themed merchandise in that regard).  If Disney was smart, they’d cut all the racist Uncle Reamus shit and release a DVD of “Brer Rabbit Tales” that just includes the cartoon parts.

And what about that classic THE SONG OF THE SOUTH??!

I think it’s actually a genius idea, because it gives depth to Superman without resorting to all that made-up bullshit in Snyder’s movies. Also, if done right, it sets up a moment where Clark becomes Superman. The scene in Spiderverse when Miles becomes Spiderman is beyond awesome, how cool would it be to see Superman

Well, I mean, just get some proper chaps. I recall a time several year ago when my girlfriend at the time wore chaps to a nightclub--it was a successful look. 

IF you think the mother of a screaming baby is the cause of the screaming, if you think she’s “ignoring the baby,” you’re fucking high. Nobody wants that baby to stop screaming more than the parents.

It’s so weird: when I was a kid, I watched the adults on 90210.  Now that I’m an adult, Luke Perry was only EIGHT YEARS older than me?  So fucking weird.