
Woman marries man, proclaims self “queer,” film at 11.

That’s false, she has been in a relationship with a woman.  Google is your friend.

You know her?  Cause you’re talking like you know her.

Switching up traditional gender roles around the house “queers” a marriage? No it doesn’t.

“like a delicious bouillabaisse with a Band-Aid in it.”

He had a big hit with Summer of 69 back in the 80s, and I think did a song for a Robin Hood movie or something.

Interesting.  Thankfully, I’ve blocked the specifics of both sequels out of my mind, haha.

The thing that super-sucks about the Matrix sequels is that we KNOW Neo can whoop anybody’s ass at martial arts (with the possible exception of Super Smith)—he can see the fucking Matrix. So what do they do with that knowledge? Have Neo participate in 6000 more extended karate battles. Why is he dicking around wasting

You are correct: they are not exactly the same note for note. But I am a musician, I am a lyricist, and if you think two people came up with that same rhyme cadence, over the same bassline change, stressing exactly the same word on the change, you’re delusional. And your crack about “two black men having the same idea

This. As I posted elsewhere, fringe activities have become the mainstream in porn, to the point where dudes who watch a lot of porn assume that extreme stuff is the baseline.

Ugh, porn these days is just gross. If you flip through any aggregator site, it’s all weird shit—choking, squirting, squelching, sparfing. Just flipping through the videos will make you feel queasy.

I mean, the guy doesn’t seem to be in his right mind.  But that doesn’t mean that Glover didn’t jack his song.

You’re telling me you believe two people managed to come up with those two tracks, on their own, completely divorced from each other??

Yeah, whatever you say.  I met my wife here, we live here, we raise our kids here, and it’s fucking awesome.

That drop into the bassline isn’t identical? The cadence of their rhymes aren’t identical? They don’t say AMERICA at exactly the same time and with the same emphasis?

Did you listen to the two tracks?  You must not have, or you’d know there more than “something” there.

Says somebody who obviously hasn’t listened to both tracks.  Glover’s a “genius,” a genius at ripping off other artists.

Again, Glover’s manager says he’s got some pro-tools stems from 2015 that made it into the track, and that’s probably true, but that doesn’t say anything about the IDENTICAL bassline, the IDENTICAL cadence of the two flows, and the IDENTICAL emphasis on the word America.  I mean, how does Glover’s team explain the

According to a tweet he then DELETED. You’re telling me Glover he had this track back in 2015???

You’re going to give him a pass on being a stone cold plagiarist? Sure, he’s “being a badass”—at stealing other people’s music.