
There’s ZERO evidence that Glover’s song predated him, other than a twitter post by one of the producers that he LATER DELETED. Why did he delete that post, huh? Is someone asserting Jase stole the track from Glover??

I love it: because the guy hasn’t filed a lawsuit, you’ve decided he doesn’t have one to file? Look at all the hateration engendered on this page—you don’t think that if he filed suit all the Glover lovers wouldn’t come at him en masse?

Yeah, but consider the reverse—if this fool stole Glover’s track (and, uh, time traveled back two years to release it before him), Glover’s label would sue that dude’s dick off.  The fact that they haven’t--his track is still readily available--shows there’s some serious bullshit afoot.

Have you listened to the two tracks? They don’t share a few notes or a similar vibe, as with Blurred Lines, they have an identical change, with nearly identical lyrics.

Look at it this way: the two songs are so obviously identical one of the two HAD TO HAVE ripped off the other. Now, Glover’s song was released by RCA. Do you think if Jase’s song copied Glover’s that RCA wouldn’t have sued him into the dirt by now?

Naw, he’d be ripping him for accepting an award for a song he stole. How can you look past the obvious thievery?

I mean, the song is BLATANTLY ripped off. I honestly can’t believe This is America won record of the year and this isn’t a bigger story. I mean, if I had to speculate why Glover wasn’t there, it’s because he knew he’d be fanning the flames if he got up there and said anything about it being “his song.”

Agreed! I love those drawings.  They got me through many a, uh, hard time.

Hugh Hefner and Playboy are now properly dismissed as gross, misogynistic, predatory; etc., but one positive thing that can be said for the magazine is that in the 70's they had a monthly “how to do it” column that offered oddly sage and pragmatic advice about lovemaking. This wasn’t the Penthouse Forum bullshit (“I

Yeah, so fuck Esquire, I’ll never click on their shitty shit again.

I’m in a “hurry to protest”?  Uh, okay.

Sooo, because other people are starving fat people aren’t allowed to diet? or you just don’t like them dieting by fasting?  Can I suggest to you that by NOT eating food, it allows OTHER PEOPLE to eat that food?

So tight you can poke a spear right in there!

Another thing to remember is that GotG came out before the Force Awakens, when people were seriously starved for swashbuckling space adventures. It’s a damn good movie, but the good sense to tap into that under-served market, before SW came back, was genius.

“nothing bad is happening . . .”

I haven’t liked a rapper as much as I like Cardi B in a long time. She’s so smart and down to earth, and even though she packages herself as a sex symbol, she keeps it so real she never tips over into being gross (like Minaj). She’s a natural born mom, her flow is tight as shit, and she’s a great performer. Her

So, if I’m white and I favor Harris, I’m being tokenizing and patronizing?  What about my votes for Obama?

Yeah, man, there’s nothing I loathe more than people who’s positions change over time.  That’s why I’m so stoked to have someone consistently horrible in the White House. 

Meh, a whole lot of assumptions and hot takes built into this article, it would seem. A great many people support Harris because she’s a whip-smart, tough-as-nails thinker and speaker who lays the GOP’s bullshit bare on a regular basis.

Depends on the grandparents. My parents, god bless them, are children people, and they’d gladly spent 12 hours a day hanging out with my kids if they good.  My in-laws, on the other hand, won’t even stay at our house during a visit, and they seem to treat the kids like cats: pet them for a few, then ignore them.