This is like Andre 3000's biopic of Jimi Hendrix. If you don’t have the rights to the music, you don’t have shit.
This is like Andre 3000's biopic of Jimi Hendrix. If you don’t have the rights to the music, you don’t have shit.
Jesus Christ. So the lady is raised believing she has native american ancestry, and after the GOP mocks her as a liar and calls her racist names, she actually proves the truth of what she’s saying and she’s fucked for that, too?
Jesus Christ, what a horrible attack. Here’s hoping those sad fucking MAGA twerps get everything that’s coming to them. Here’s also hoping the MAGAT in Chief comes to their defense so he can ride the train down with them.
Ugh, it’s such a horrible situation being a parent in an abusive relationship, because it forces you to always be on the defensive. The abuser can always win by targeting the kids, because s/he knows that you will have to act to defend them. (It’s kinda like negotiating the border wall with Trump—he always has the…
You know him? Because you’re talking like you know him.
This would all be exciting, were it not for Bladerunner 2. That movie died on the petard of its shitty script, and making sense of Dune’s story is a particular challenge. I have no doubts that Villeneuve can stick the visuals (or, at least, obscure them enough to make them interesting, as he did in BR), but yeah,…
Get Out “worked perfectly”? Hate to break it to you, bro, but Get Out has a good, timely concept, but the movie itself is largely a fart. The logic totally breaks down in the second act (old white racists have their brains transplanted into black bodies who then act as servants? uh, okay), and the third act (with the…
Well, tell it to Gaga. She called him up, she played along. I mean, you’re complaining about the “patriarchy everywhere,” but then the acts you’re citing are hers. Are you suggesting that Gaga is an agent of the patriarchy?
Atrocity of a film? I guess you haven’t seen it? Get a grip.
Ah yes, the always logical “if he didn’t abuse all of the kids, he must not have abused any of them” argument. It’s the same way I tell my wife that the three beers left in the fridge proves I didn’t drink the other nine of the them.
Shit, Page’s relationship with 14 yo Lori Maddox is established fact, but “boys will be boys, har har!”
The Bryan Singer effect. People are less concerned about boys being molested because they wrongfully assume (1) the boys are gay, and (2) all boys want sex. In the same way grown-ass men make jokes when a school teacher molests her 14 yo student (“If only I had been so lucky, har har!”), so to do people look past…
Are you joking? How is it offensive?
Steve Martin is one of those rare comedians who hasn’t lost his energy with age, and can still make you laugh simply by making a goofy face. It’s almost criminal to show us a flash of his genius (even in a sketch as undercooked as this one) because it demonstrates how most of the current SNL cast pales by comparison.…
The acid causes the spice to release--basically, you’re douching your mouth.
Look, despite me being a high-pink honky, my test came back 3% African, and I’m sticking with that.
Goddamnit, et tu, Badu? Are you serious? Putting her decades of wonderful music to one side, here’s a woman who holds forth as an earth mother character, a strong willed warrior who can and has achieved everything, and even SHE’S under the spell of this abuser?
I don’t know, dude, she’s a little sausage roll.
I love dissing people for the way their body looks!
She’s a sad racist with a mental condition. People that support her and cheer her on are one step removed from the #MAGA idiots. Fuck this site for encouraging her behavior and her supporters.