MEH. Blake is maudlin adult contemporary with enough production bells and whistles to make him seem edgy. Look past that and he’s James Blunt.
MEH. Blake is maudlin adult contemporary with enough production bells and whistles to make him seem edgy. Look past that and he’s James Blunt.
The same description can be used for Get Out. Great core concept, poor executing, with a third act that entirely jumps the shark.
Sure, he had an uphill battle, but he attacked it with all the force of a fart.
Love Andre 3000 to death, but not even he could get me to sit through Blake’s maudlin warbling.
Call me when they start featuring challenges that aren’t reliant on physical strength. I mean, sure, they sometime have a trivia challenge in there, or maybe an eat-something-gross challenge, but the rest of the time it’s might makes right. I’m over it.
How is saying “Praise Satan” at Christmas in any way mocking someone for their religion? Believe what you want, and I’ll say what I want. Christ, you religious types are so fucking touchy.
Oh thank god, a taco.
I can’t tell if you’re being facetious. If not, and you think saying Praise Satan is not cool, and cause for a potential “ass blasting,” well goddamn, that’s exactly why I’m saying it, haha
But only after the Romans declared Sparks illegal.
He’s a republican from a family of cops. And there you go.
I spend the holiday season saying “Praise Satan,” seemed to make a lot of people really happy.
Oh thank god, an article about Marvel movies, we’d seriously been lacking.
Really what you’re saying is that if you agree with the push back, it’s valid, but if you don’t agree, it’s gone too far, it’s the complaint of a “snowflake.” Truth be told, most disadvantaged groups are initially told things like “just play along,” or “you’re the only one complaining,” and over time their complaints…
The GOP is using the same strategy against AOC they use against anyone the believe might be effective at promoting the Democrat agenda: disparage early and often. Strategic hateration, I will call it.
Women: is there ever a time that you want to see a dick pic? Maybe I’m prejudiced by my hetero eyes, but dicks always look ugly and kinda silly to me.
Fun fact about Toure: he went to my college, and in his freshman year pledged the whitest fraternity on campus, Sigma Chi, all khakis and madras polo shirts. When he was a junior he decided he wanted to go into journalism, so he started a black nationalist zine called “The Fire This Time.”
Well fucking said. Go ask one of the employees in his sweatshop facilities if they think his snookums routine is cute. He’s a fucking oil baron of the worst sort, his business is directly antithetical to the survival of our planet, and when it comes to fucking over the little man for personal gain, he makes Trump look…
Yeah, decidedly NO. Skarsgård has too nice of an aura. Even when he’s playing bad, you can still see his integrity and empathy shining through. He’ll never begin to touch McMillan’s deranged evil (few actors have).
As much as I loathe the scenes with Manny and his idiotic Canadian girlfriend, can I say I’m at least happy they found him a semi-believable girlfriend? If I had to watch another episode where chubby, perpetually 14 Manny was bedding down with an extremely attractive, grown-ass woman I was gonna scream.
If you treat one group of people differently because of how they look or where they come from, and you don’t think that’s racism . . .