-I can’t think of the last time someone said the fire got out of control due to the lack of qualified firefighters. It may happen, but I’ve never heard of it.
-I can’t think of the last time someone said the fire got out of control due to the lack of qualified firefighters. It may happen, but I’ve never heard of it.
CEO’s run companies into the ground all the time and collect million dollar bonuses while doing it. The job isn’t so incredibly difficult..it’s getting the job in the first place that’s the crucible.
What are the odds on this guy living through the police response for this if he was a person of color?
By Florida standards this is a quiet stroll out to the mailbox and back.
Turn the music down a mile from work. You have to look energetic when you’re starting out after all.
I told my parents that in exactly those words when I was eleven years old.
If he has garage space ...two Miata’s ! A winter beater and a cleaner date car. Nothing is more reliable then having a spare running car with the exact part you may need already in your garage.
Some of those bikes can haul serious ass with a rider who knows how to push it. Sure they could go faster, handle and stop better if they weren’t heavy pigs, but I’ve seen a few doing 130-140 sparking footpegs on freeway turns.
The best thing about riding a bike in the Bay Area is often the parking. The worst thing is definitely dealing with angry commuters. But if you can just get on Skyline or Highway 1 on a day with little traffic it can be glorious just a few minutes from downtown! I used to live at Baker Beach and you could sneak over…
75 year olds that can still muscle a Harley around are tough. Plenty of Grandparents are still buying quad cab F-150's to haul the grand kids around. They just send someone younger to get the luggage out of the far side of the bed!
Listening to their “loud pipes’ is worse. I can close my door an not hear them blather on, but my apartment despite its foot thick street facing wall still lets in the “loud pipes” roar. It’s actually louder then the ambulance/police sirens by a significant margin.
FUV= Fireprone Utility Vehicle? Flammable Utility Vehicle? Flimsy Utility Vehicle?
While she was Walder Frey she should have seized the moment to send a bunch of Frey men to the wall, and dictated a nasty letter to Cersei declaring House Frey’s intent to steal all the gold in Lannisport.
Didn’t they strike you as a little too innocent for a squad of soldiers? Even their clothes where as squeaky clean as their attitudes. That felt less like a Game of Thrones encounter on the road and more like a music video intro. Literally everyone who meets someone on the road in Westros is either afraid of getting…