
How much extra coin does “a black roof” really cost? That seems like something that doesn’t even warrant a mention as an extra.

Came here to say this! Well done Mr. Tracy. I really enjoy it when you guy’s go the extra mile to give us a good story. This sort of reporting/writing is where you are killing it on Jalopnik. You aren’t grabbing somebody else’s headline or copying and pasting something on the news. You went and interviewed this guy

Let’s learn a bit from GoT and stop a wee bit short of the whole public shaming thing. That just makes the sham-er as unlikable as the shamed. We need to all realize our shortcomings and work together to fix this $hit.

They prey while Tump’s antics distract.

Wait.... it’s the Liberals showing up with all the ties to Russia?

Clearly those Frank Dodd protections are just choking the crap out of the market. Remind me what does that graph look like from 2010 to 2017 again?

Is that photo a comment on trying to stuff to much engine under the hood?

Just got back from a transport up to Tahoe. Over a hundred cars in the parking lot and only one of them was 2wd. That’s really where you make the case for the Crossover. Mountain driving where you need that little bit extra of ground clearance but also need to drive a hundred miles to get to a major hospital, airport,

Now playing

If Subaru can’t make a business case for a turbo BRZ then they clearly lack imagination. Look at the Dodge Demon fer Christsakes. Just make the damn car and work backwards to create the business case.

Well at least you get to live in Costa Rica that seems like a way better trade off then cheap TTs.

My money is one he is actively grabbing her by the ...

Oh. I didn’t really bother to puzzle that out. I just thought it was super interesting how cheap some of these TTs have gotten especially when compared to that Subie. I had a friend with the hardtop version of that Subaru and it was barely adequate for it’s time. $5k buys so many better cars now.

Baseball glove interior. Was kind of a big deal for some people.

Yeah if you try hard enough you can rationalize away the front end as “it’s not that bad”, but the same can’t be said of the stern. That’s definitely full anime spaceship back there. I still want to take one for a ride tho’.

CP. For about half that you could have an Audi TT convertible with probably four times the horsepower.

I thought about that but thieves never wear seat belts. So it would have to be a pre-bag car with auto seat belts to work.

Almost always.