Wow, I agree. Thanks for that link. Let’s call him a “gaping asshole” for that b.s.
Wow, I agree. Thanks for that link. Let’s call him a “gaping asshole” for that b.s.
Shoes go with the person into the ambulance. Single shoe left in the road is some other weird deal... sometimes times they are kids shoes. Maybe little kids are tossing them out the window as their parents drive... I dunno for me it’s still a mystery.
Try eating 10,000 calories of just fiber a day and see if you can gain weight.
I wish all the people who didn’t believe in government controls would vacation in someplace like 1993 Mogadishu.
How about a simple “intelligence/knowledge of the constitution test” just to be President? Let’s start there and see if that helps. Also, the test is given three months before the election itself and only then can people who pass the test start to campaign! No more of this years of running for office instead of doing…
I’m praying that I’m Sam Neil at the end of Dead Calm! Trump is obviously Billy Zane.
Chaos can be’s all a matter of perspective.
Never mind you win! Looks like you have found a unicorn for $200 bucks.
That’s perfect! I need to do that for the leafblowers that run every night in back of my apartment at three a.m. Where are vampire bats when you need them?
I’m partial to the shoe myself. I’ve always wondered about that when you see a single shoe in the road like that.
That’s just sexist we have had two Bushes after all.
“Or just start him on shifter carts this year.”
I think they tried to do that on Top Gear in a 1,000 HP Odyssey.
Here’s a suggestion: Why don’t we just start by replacing the loaded word “terrorist” with “asshole” and de-escalate these situations?
28 people a day are killed (on average) by drunk drivers, but everyone is so quick to jump on the terror attack bus. Terrorism doesn’t work if we stop blowing it out of proportion. Let’s stop blowing it out of proportion and it will get even smaller when compared to all the other stuff we do to each other everyday…
Yep they set you up with the seat that turns into a beach chair then later into a bed, then set the hook with included picnic table, camp stove and driver door that is a!
You can wash all the sand out with your included garden hose!