
Did he belligerently refuse or did he just refuse? Not cooperating is not belligerence.

Well you can add to that the cost of the lawsuit, the cost of every fare on that flight and maybe the cost of some folks possible losing their jobs. Then compare that number with an five hundred extra bucks cash they could have offered to get volunteers to switch flights.

Seems like a smart call. After all, safer in practice with witnesses then unconscious and alone in the showers with coach.

Now playing

I suppose it’s the most realistic of the bunch because nobody jumps off a car on to a truck, boat or tank at over 80mph as a “move” to save someone. Odd that the most realistic one would have the worst acting.

I think to properly do that...

Preach Groot.

Seems like it’s no slouch even in base form.

Answer to the Ford Bronco? Nah...maybe their answer to the first gen Ford Escape.

Yeah but how far can he realistically get before it became a challenge to catch up with him?

I work on an ambulance and have been an EMT since the 80's. I’ve seen more poverty and sad stories, welfare abuse, health insurance abuse than 99% of the population will ever see. The difference between 60k a year and 20k a year is staggering. I’ve made close to minimum wage my entire EMS career and transported people

Actually “required gun insurance” may be an idea worth studying.

Why do republican national conventions not have open carry for that matter?

Yeah, why have any laws if law breakers are just going to break them? These things are just a total waste of time, money and effort. Mogadishu didn’t become the paradise it is by having laws.

You list five places the fault lies and none of them included the guy pulling the trigger.

Explain how the eight year old special needs kid also dies and the 9 year old is critically wounded if he uses a knife to off his estranged wife?