
That explains a certain ebrake turn I attempted back in 1992! I would pay for a picture of the look on my face when the car just slowed way down and stuck to the road. I thought the tires were just remarkably sticky in the back LOL!

Sounds fine on paper but I imagine it going horribly horribly wrong.... like reality TV wrong without the need to make up drama. Maybe even Walking Dead Wrong six months in...

Rock Scaler? I had to Google what the hell that is and how it made him a millionaire.

I’m interested in the G20 pop top Chevy van. Too far gone at this point but I bet they were both something back in the day.

Jesus that is something they should put on those cars on the stupid windshield visor stickers! Can y0u imagine finding that out trying to do an ebrake turn into a parking space or around a corner?

What about the Subaru XT turbo?

Maybe this family learned an import lesson from Jurassic Park...don’t focus on the turkey in front of you watch out for the alpha!

#How Donuts=a Happy Thankgiving!

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I can see him with the a duct taped 80's boom box in the back of the jeep.... playing this around his campfire while broken down on a stretch of BLM land.

Do you really not see how these things are similar? If you gut the agencies and laws that protect us as a people you welcome more of this behavior not less.

Definitely illegal. They just aren’t doing time cause rich white guys with an army of lawyers.

I think the number was 400 times more pollution then when the cheat was not in effect.

Wait...front wheel ebrake? Is this a real thing?

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That engine noise starting at around the two minute mark sounds exactly like my washing machine when there is too many heavy towels on one side.

Third time...aren’t we the optimist?

I don’t know why you would go through Texas, but I’m with you all the way on the other thing.

Having done the motorcycle catapult thing, my last thoughts were:

Super lift guys often compromise their steering as well.

English itself is the most important language for the vast majority of English speakers to learn. Most of them will be judged on their ability to speak, read and write it well throughout their lives.