
I also have a friend who lost his job, has cancer and other health issues and still is a huge Trump supporter.

Cement trucks plow everybody?

Those bike paths and bike lanes don’t go everywhere which is the problem. There is no left turn from the far right bike lane... Bike paths are usually extremely limited and most are mulit use jog/stroller paths that have speed limits of 10 miles an hour.

Stupid drivers are a much bigger problem for cyclists. It’s the number one way you can kill another human being and not be charged with a crime.

Cyclists off the road means more traffic congestion, less parking and higher gas prices.

Depends on the city. There are an amazing amount of red light runners in downtown San Francisco. I think its a combination of: the yellows are shorter then most folks are used to, people just trying to make the next light, people looking up, and then quite a few just dgaf.

Now playing

Geez with a roo bar, just a little more speed and 4wd engaged he probably could have made it out the other side.

Do we qualify as ‘fleeing persecution, and terror’ as American citizens yet or do we have to wait for the smoke to become fire?

Well they got their stick.

I think a healthy person could have made it without too much trouble as long as you have a sense of timing.

Think of it as entertainment. That’s a billion of a penny well spent.

Yeah I suspect that was that things first and last dance anywhere near the intertidal zone.

If there is more people then the helicopter can carry they load all the victims and leave the swimmer out in the middle of the stormy sea. I think the only thing easy about being a CG rescue swimmer is finding dates and not having to worry about ever being mistaken for a couch potato.

My first year up there I walked out to the end of that jetty with my roomate to watch folks surf some 25 footers. We were out there about a half hour at the end when a rogue wave came over us about eight feet above our feet. Just barely managed to out run it. Only got soaked by spray. The rest of the way back down the

As far as I remember it’s illegal to drive out on the Jetty even in the best of times.

Coast Guard didn’t use to bill in Humboldt. I’ve seen a few river rescues where a hiker got stuck in Burnt Ranch gorge and another where a fisherman broke his leg in the gorge. Those CG Pilots and swimmers are the bee’s knees up there.

They are to my history. Those are my two first cars.

Looking forward to an article next year about a Root Beer colored Datsun 510 with a Aventador engine in the back.

Flint would. However finding talented workers to move to a place that deliberately poisons it’s own children (as well as everyone else using the water) is going to be a stretch. I’m not certain the new head of the EPA is going to be looking out for the citizens and the environment when he can rake in the profits by