
And those same other trucks could be put in a position where they couldn’t do the same thing as that Toyota. Everything is a compromise. I know my first 4Runner would have picked up wheels at that first turn because I rolled one at less then fifteen miles an hour.

Driver looks like he/she is a claymation figure out of Robot Chicken or something. Creepy as f...

I’m more intrigued by the license plate. I don’t think that would get by our censors here in the states.

I was thinking that just earlier today. I wonder if it’s because if it’s not the sport trim I just don’t even notice the car at all.

It’s old white guy with money trying to be Flavor Flav and a White Dodge Ram at the same time.

I was thinking more:

David I hope your taste in women is better then your taste in cars, otherwise life is going to be especially painful on at least two fronts.

Get what you needed to fix your flat. Like maybe different clothes and a friend who can give you a ride to the tire store. Seems like if you drove two miles home for the purpose of fixing your tire it was for a reason.

Many bridges it’s illegal to change your tire on. Golden Gate for example. I suppose if your lucky enough to have a blowout on the bridge you could call a for a tow, but that would be one horrific wait if it was rush hour.

Now playing

Jesus, put down the Big Mac get out and walk two miles. People are so horrible to their cars out of laziness sometimes. I’m always seeing people who drive their cars for months dragging the front bumper cover/lip/stone guard. Literally it would take a three count to bend over and put a zip tie on it until a proper fix

That last straight away run towards the finish line made me feel old. I would have done that in a heart beat in my youth. However, less then a week out of surgery (really miss just being able to walk/drive) and that last bit just didn’t look fun. It looked like work.

Grand Blanc?

I think it was plenty Jalop at the time. I had an 82 with the 5 speed and it was sure fun on: the dirt roads, the snow and the ice storm days. It’s 1,587 lbs curb weight is still very toss-able. So forgiving in the turns it would out drive most of my friends V8's in the low traction corners.

To this day I’d have to say it’s the worst car with a manual gearbox I’ve ever driven. My friend used to call his “the ‘Vette”. He would as girls if he could take them out to a drive-in movie in his ‘Vette on Fridays. Wait a minute...where did you grow up? LOL

I always thought of that car as slow, sloppy and heavy. Granted the one I drove/borrowed several times in college had over 500,000 miles on it and 99.9% of it’s original parts. My roommate’s Celica GT-S on the other hand was infinitely more fun.

Well they were smart enough to re-badge this when they knew they were behind the curve. Both of which were way more fun to drive then a Chevy Chevette.

Imagine if they get what they want...that’s the real nightmare. If they don’t.. they will spend the majority of their energy hating Hillary and everything she take some solace in that.

That dash always reminded me of fishing tackle of the same era.

My 84 4Runner for starters.