Seriously where is this guy flying to that they don’t give the speech “We have a really full flight today so....”?
Seriously where is this guy flying to that they don’t give the speech “We have a really full flight today so....”?
GlitterbombFarts and tube socks full of nine volts. You are way out there on the sparsely populated region of the bell curve. Let you’re freak flag fly brother!
And then....
I’m sure lots of Honda guys will be waiting for the first couple hundred of these to be wrecked so they can engine swap.
I’d wager they only have it on their because it makes it go faster around the track. Easy enough to remove if you’re never going to track it. I’d rather have a track car that comes with some engineer designed and tested aero. Buy one without and you’re forced to pony up two grand and hundreds of hours trying to find…
So twice now Gary has been standing up next to his various crap wagons when they have “Mysteriously” moved and injured someone who can’t see him. It might be time to give Gary some press and see if any other victims come forth.
Looks like a Milo.
More of a soft roader. Fire roads, light beach drive, frozen lake, that last fifty yards to the water/barn/cabin/garden etc... Maybe one person in a thousand actually is taking their truck offroad with any seriousness. Most of those guys know how to weld and do on the fly repairs. I don’t think this thing is aimed at…
Now he is going to go back and screw up trying to make sidepipes!
Things like flying marshmallows and the like eh?
Maybe it’s not as bad as it sounds and it’s only forty minutes each way.
24 HP and 89lb ft of torque seems like a ridiculously large gain from an intake and a tune. Then again it does look like it now goes to hell after 5000RPM.
Yes I would. I work in EMS. I also ride. Save that Mad Max stuff for after the apocalypse, but don’t ban bikes which save so much room, fuel and parking in the everyday commute. As with many things in life, somewhere between the extremes is usually the best response.
Star bot.
Because a seat belt on a motorcycle increases injury and chance of death. I’d like to think your thinking of buses, because if you are suggesting seat belts for motorcycles ...I can’t even.
We did get those couples in there. Sixty and seventy year old ladies with late twenties/thirty something year old guys as kept men.
I don’t see how it’s any different then carrying them in the bed bolted to the outside wall. It merely moves them two inches with the bed idea. The skid plate idea came from looking at my 4Runner’s gas tank armor. You could also put them where guys install rock sliders.
I grew up just outside of Flint, Michigan so there were several car guys at my school; something like 80% of GM managers lived in my town. One of my good friends was a definitive car guy for sure. He started driving at 11 years old. He and his dad bought his 67 Firebird off a farmers front lawn for $300 bucks or so.…
If you drive that sucker in the winter it won’t last long in Michigan. It’s probably already got some Bonneville salt under it’s rust belt.