I'm always embarrassed to point out broken links because inevitably it's like three hours after the article was posted and I was the only one who cared about the saddest link of them all.
I'm always embarrassed to point out broken links because inevitably it's like three hours after the article was posted and I was the only one who cared about the saddest link of them all.
The Blake Lively link is amusingly incorrect.
Right? Even the message, "Thank your wife for breastfeeding," is sort of nuts to me. Like, "thanks for flashing some tit!" not like "Please tell your wife I felt badly she went out to the car...."
idk, the waitress kept staring and then bought a pizza? I feel like she was being sort of creepy/awkward.
No, haven't read it! Thanks I will check it out.
Also do not patronize the lady who has not had grains or dairies for 3 weeks, she'll cry/eat you. (Cannibalism is SO paleo.)
No cheese. And I do not care about the cavemen, I just am trying to lose the lbs.
Dude. Farrah's disruptive behavior included "trying to take photos of Tan Mom during group therapy."
See, I don't want to have children either, until I look at George Clooney. Stacey, I feel your pain.
Feminism is about choices.
You guys are making me so psyched about my relationship.
Awww, six+ hours of Ethan Hawke plus talking about it really is telling isn't it.
I love the varied responses to this question. We are super busy and live in a rural area, so "going to the movies" is actually a really big deal that takes time and effort (and money). I really appreciate all of these thoughts! I guess I almost hadn't faced for myself how strongly I do feel about this movie's…
Will someone please write an article about "how to politely tell your boyfriend no when he tells you he really wants to see Lone Ranger this weekend?" A caveat is that he willingly saw all three Julie Delpy/Ethan Hawke romances back to back less than six weeks ago.
My trainer is smart and well-spoken and has only read one book in his life. Oddly, it was Farenheit 451.
I truly marvel at manipulations of statistics like this that are so blatant. You know on Match.com when they are like "you are 3 times more likely to meet your soul mate on match.com"? You are 3 times more likely to meet a significant other on match.com than all people are to meet a significant other at that given…
I just saw her on Amy Schumer's show talking about cancer — DID NOT REALIZE IT WAS REAL.
Super disappointed that the site is down. For once, I was certain Vermont was going to be active on one of these country-wide websites!
I love that she's in the pool—Olivia's outfits are my favorites on television but for some reason I love her bathing suits/swimming scenes the most. They just equivocate achievement to me somehow.